6 Meanings
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Is It For Me? Lyrics

bradley says it's haunted
the house upon the hill
and if we meet at four a.m.
then we would know for sure

we carry the ladders
and lean them against it
and climb them as we look

someone kicked a ladder
bradley took a spill
said his leg was broken
so we dragged him down the hill

and through the door
what do i see?
something is happening
is it for me?

mom found out the whole thing
mine was first to call
bradley's leg healed badly
at least he still can walk

we leave in the morning
and no one will hear us
and meet in the clearing
and i'll bring the sandwiches
david come quickly
you're missing the whole thing
now open your big eyes
and take in the sunrise
and through the door
what do i see?
something is happening
is it for me?
6 Meanings
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What an amazing band. I always hoped I'd get a chance to see them in concert, but life keeps popping up obstacles.

I've always thought this song's initial plot has a couple of possible interpretations, each of which I've imagined when I've heard it (depending on my mood)

  • The house was in actuality a brothel, and the kids got quite an eyeful before one of the 'guards' came around to kick the ladder

  • As they carry Bradley down the hill, the protagonist turns and sees something through the door that he can't explain...so could the house have really been haunted all along?

Ultimately, the song is about the reckless innocence of youth -- the wild imaginations, doing things you're not supposed to do...living your life in the now, because the minute you become an adult, it all stops and responsibilities kick in.

My Interpretation
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Why a whorehouse? Are they usually haunted?

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what do the background singers say in the chorus? i cant figure it out

"It happens"

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I don’t understand all the interpretations that it’a whore house. Did someone in the band say that? There’s really no reference to that that I see.

When you were a teenager, didn’t you ever hear a rumor of a house somewhere around you being haunted? I can picture a number of houses I heard were haunted.

Once we heard of a ghost that appeared on some old dirt road so about four cars of kids all drove out there. We drank a beer or two and some people thought they saw something, some didn’t. Driving back, we got pulled over by a cop, who told us there was no ghost, and not to drive out there any more. We were polite and drove away, but with the cop right behind us, my dumb friend threw a paper cup out the window, and he immediately pulled us over and this time when he approached the car, he could smell the alcohol, and we all got charged with underage drinking.

This song always reminds me of that night.

And I think that’s really what this song is about. It’s a coming-of-age moment that the narrator will never forget. They sneak out, they go to a haunted house, there’s a big accident where some gets really hurt because they were being irresponsible, and in the middle of all of it, they witnessed this beautiful sunrise.

Either the narrator knew at the moment it happened, or is realizing in retrospect, that it was one of those moments where you grow up, where you lose a little innocence, where your path to adulthood becomes a little clearer to you. And that’s what he sees through a figurative door: the future, growing up, needing to make better decisions. And he’s not sure if he wants to grow up: Is it for him?

This is my favorite Toad song because the imagery and the storytelling really paints a picture, and the music matches the dream-like tale perfectly! They really are one of the most underappreciated bands ever.

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Sounds like some kids looking at a couple having sex, to me. shrug

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this song is related to 'Walk on the Ocean' the first song on Fear. It is about a group of kids who sneak out and go peaking in the window of a whore house. Some one kick out the ladder and they ran away, Bradly breaking his leg...poor guy.

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