Pressed Against The Sky Lyrics
I'm happy you're having it with me.
I will stay and savor the way you move me.
Don't want to miss one detail,
One sweet smile from your lips.
One kiss sets me adrift.
And light up where you are.
They are yours for the keeping.
Trace the curves of the sheets.
A riddle of desire when I watch you sleeping.
Eyes wide open.

i guess it could be about the nirvana of being with that special someone...?

I can't believe nobody has anything to say about this song...what a great change of pace...the mellow build to almost shouting in the end? Great song.

its like when you are laying next to someone in a bed and she is are sleeping, and you are looking at her, and she is amazingly looking

This is a great song. I know it's not what it was supposed to mean but to me it relates to an experience I had when my GF had to drive to Florida to see her dying Dad. She loves this song so I put it on a Cd for her and told her to imagine it meant me pressed against the sky from the outside--looking in/down on her.

the whole song describes some dude watching a girl sleep.... pretty obvious
Not really that obvious really. Seeing as it could mean what one perceives it to mean. Everything from Lewis seems to have a duality to it. Mixing what you could perceive as harmless and loving to sadistic and evil. Which, is why I love The Toadies.
Not really that obvious really. Seeing as it could mean what one perceives it to mean. Everything from Lewis seems to have a duality to it. Mixing what you could perceive as harmless and loving to sadistic and evil. Which, is why I love The Toadies.

Dude so this is obviously an opinion but I think he’s referring to laying in bed coming down off of blow, obviously can’t sleep. Admiring his girl in bed and being laid out trying to go to sleep but frustrated. All limbs spread out coming down. Eyes wide open?

This is the Toadies. They're almost always creepy. The narrator is likely watching a woman sleeping... she may even be dead already ("Pressed against the sky // eyes wide open...").
Listening to this song within the context of the entire album absolutely backs this up. A few songs later, he's talking about "I'll keep you near // scattered around my apartment."

He likes to watch when she's on top.