Turn Me On "mr. Deadman" Lyrics

Penetrate, Penetrate all the simple minds
they adore what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate what's my drug of choice?
it's okay, when they pay they pay
they say i got the voice

Look at this
the motherfucker is a millionaire
realize its a mask that you wear
Violate violate what a simple plan
turn me on turn me on mr. deadman

Yeah I want it
I need it
to make a million
ya i love it a fuckin' rockstar

Penetrate, Penetrate all the simple minds
they adore what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate what's my drug of choice?
it's okay, when they pay they pay
they say i got the voice

Look at this
the little faggot is a millionaire
realize its a mask that you wear
Violate violate such a simple plan
turn me on turn me on mr. deadman

Yeah I want it
I need it
to make a million
ya i love it a fuckin' rockstar

Penetrate, Penetrate all the simple minds (x6)

Yeah I want it
I need it
to make a million
yeah i love it a fuckin' rockstar (x4)
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Well actually the title is yet another Beatles reference. Turn Me On Mr Deadman is what what is believed to be said by John in Revolution #9 when played backwards,it is supposed to be a clue in the Paul Is Dead theory.

Cover art for Turn  Me On

I actually think it's about being a big rockstar millionaire. People pay, they stand in line for your concerts, they like your voice. You can say anything in your lyrics and get kids to understand it or hear it or do anything you tell them to(Penetrate all the simple minds). Maybe about how rock stars only care about money these days and not those fans too.

Cover art for Turn  Me On

Here's a thought: What's his drug of choice? Turn me on (M)r. (D)ead(m)(a)n. MDMA....aka ecstasy. Not saying that's the literal meaning of the whole song, but makes one wonder if it was a little tip of the hat, since it's a party drug one would expect rockstars to indulge in on occasion.

[Edit: weird formatting errors. ]

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I think this song refers to Slipknot, the lyrics just made me think Slipknot.

"Penetrate, Penetrate all the simple minds "

The way Slipknot appeal to kids.

"realize its a mask that you wear "

They make money, due to the fact they wear their masks, and act "hard" when they arent.

"turn me on turn me on mr. deadman "

Doing it for the money; selling out

it's probably a mile off, but...

Cover art for Turn  Me On

Well it may refer to Slipknot after you pointed that out but i like slipknot a little.

Cover art for Turn  Me On

well damn, i never thought of it like that.. but it makes.. a hell of a lot of sense.

Cover art for Turn  Me On

evidently we have some beatles fanatic that sees something about the beatles in every single song he or she hears. very few if any modern rock songs have beatles references. Anyway, I have no idea what this song means and since I don't listen to slipknot, I wouldn't really be able to make that connection

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Cover art for Turn  Me On

this song is class, i love this song, 2 bad some of thier other songs r SHIT!

Cover art for Turn  Me On

i think this song is a really good song that is about pop stars not rockstars u know "Penetrate all the simple minds" who r get the dumb shit music to the most ppl pop stars i mean come on the ppl that ONLY listen to pop r very simple and "realize its a mask that you wear " is saying that their always puting on a show never showing who the really r . the millionaire thing fits in with this idea because lets face it the make more money then any person in music well other then rappers