Joined At The Ass Lyrics

Freak of unthinkable proportions
Perfect candidate for abortion
Future double-suicide from shotgun blast
Rectally twins-and joined at the ass
Some things deserve to die
Severed siblings with a surgical knife
Buildup of waste at articulation
Installed colostomy for shit irrigation
Purchased for science and mutant research
Human guinea pig
Waste not, want not
How can there be a god
That brings atrocities to its creation
Born into hell-mandatory torment
Biologically malformed, existance is futile
We bring disease
And physiological agony
Nobody ever said that life was easy

Open Human Head Experiments With Bleach, Lacquer, and Epoxy
Home laboratory turned mortuary
Experimental transplants and surgery
Using bleach and corrosives to make zombies
Gaping cranium sutured with epoxy
Homemade walking dead
Bumbling retard with scab for a head
Chained to its own crib
Bits of food and pus line its bib
Serum made of bleach and nail polish remover
Tested for speech skills, cognitive, and motor
Mutant strain of human brain dead
My hands-red with curiosity
1 Meaning
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eh, i accidently posted "open human head experiments with bleach, lacquer, and epoxy", too. sorry kids.

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