15 Meanings
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Where We Breathe Lyrics

today has been cluttered with broken teeth and filthy stitches and a conscience that won't shut up. now, i understand that your worst is beating the hell out of my best, and i can take it...but what i don't think that i'll ever get is how you turned out like all the rest...but i can take it, and that says a lot about the difference between me and you. if you're all i've got then i'll have nothing left after what i'm about to do. so let's begin this autumn drive - one jerk of the wheel and we'll see how cold this november water really is and i'll watch as your blood runs thin through infected wounds and softened scars. today was my favorite kind of day - filled with the things we fear will find us where we sleep and fuck us where we breathe...the things that won't just fade away the way i let you fade away. today was my favorite kind of day.
15 Meanings
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this is an amazing song, wrought with moving lyrics guaranteed to inspire a murder...or at least a fist fight, possibly with handicapped people

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bitterness.. boys night out is a fucking solid band.

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boys night out is the shit...their lyrics are amazing

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i wonder if their songs are based on actual events and experiences...kinda makes you wonder...i dig the fuckin aviator glasses Connor wears though...rock

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BNO are awsome, i saw them play at the Katherdral some time in february> they were great! their lyrics are very deep and grusum.

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what more could you ask from band boys night has it all

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this song is excellent. i really want to see them live!

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anyone know where the sound bytes from this and a torrid love affair are from?...........boys night out fucking rocks

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what does he scream in the beginning?

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