The Anatomy Of The Journey Lyrics

is it still you and me against the world? all i've got to lose are my teeth. we're gonna throw it down together tonight. we're gonna burn this town to the ground and laugh over the flames. collapsible sentiment fills our lives. i've burned pages behind me and mountains before. watch us break at the waist; bleed from our fingertips...nailing our coffins to our outstretched arms. i'm lost in a haze of myself. my memory is still filled with fists and my hands are too weak from writing down our lives. here we us go. four shots fire out cold and hollow and your eyes give in to that shattered glass shine. so i call out and i follow. passion can't apply when we're so drained and pale.
9 Meanings
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how good are boys night out?

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boys night out are amazing

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too good, too good.

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the way boys night out slows down the music and it gets all quiet but the screaming and vocals are still yelling their lungs out....damn it gives me chills.

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so good. i can't wait to see them, even though its like 2 months from now

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i like, i like. they make a lot of references to physical pain.. not only in this song but in others...

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i like, i like. they make a lot of references to physical pain.. not only in this song but in others...

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boys night out are great, i love how one song can sound so different through out it.

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okay so there are two best friends and they are willing to go to the ends of the earth together , but they got shot hence "four shot fired cold and hallow". i also think that as they are dying they are recapping parts of there lives "i'm lost in a haze of myself. my memory is still filled with fists and my hands are too weak from writing down our lives." Also as they near death he looks at his best friend and notices that his eyes give into that shatter glass shine and so he followed. To Death That is

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