Johnny Was Lyrics
Cause her son had been shot down in the street and died
From a stray bullet
Accompanying her was a passerby
Who saw the woman cry
Now she knows that the wages of sin is death
The gift of God is life
Johnny was a good man
oh yeah
Cause her son had been shot down in the street and died
Just because of the system
Comforting her I was passing by
And I saw the woman cry
Johnny was a good man
Never did a thing wrong
Never hurt anybody never started no bar room fight
Johnny never did nobody no wrong
Never hurt anybody never hurt anybody
Johnny was a good man
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny...
There's a man with rifle and Johnny in his sight,
I said oh no, we can't let that kind of thing happen here no more
Oh no
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny...
Johnny was a good man
Cease towards the child she bears

NO POSTS! This is one of the most touching songs ever! It's about a friend getting SHOT! Because of the SYSTEM! Come on people, show the love!

This is a really good song In my opinion their best.

I don't think this is their best song because it is actually Bob Marleys song. But it's the best Bob Marley cover I have ever heard. I absolutely love the break down in the middle.

Got to agree this is the best cover SLF have done, even better than marley's original, the version on the Hanx album is the best recording I have heard and to be there and see them doing it live is indescribable certainly makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end

Best guitar intro ever and knocks Marley's version into a cocked hat.

When they bust into the reggae jam halfway through this song just becomes ridiculously awesome

It was written by Bob Marley's wife I think. Rita Marley.