Jehovah Made This Whole Joint For You Lyrics

Meet a girl i met Carolina
her parents jumped off niagra falls
She broke her hips when she was a baby
Trying to hop the Berlin wall
It's not that she's anti-american
Although she shot a mayor at nine
He looked just like the prez on t.v.
But didn't know in '63 he had died
Does she think this world is all wrong
Does she think i'll rob her and run
When i ask her she gets her gun
And simply says scat boy scat scat
But isn't it a wonderfull world Carolina
Look at the birds in the sky
Jehova made this whole joint for you Carolina
And isn't it wonderful to be alive
So original in her black lipstick
Listening to some obscure band
But isn't she pissed at all the other non-conformists
Listen to that same obscure band
That's OK she's helping the environment
By sipping pure water and such
The she screams we better start thinking about
The ozone layer
While tossing out a styrofoam cup
Does she think this world is all wrong
Does she think i'll rob her and run
When i ask her she gets her gun
And simply says scat boy scat scat
But isn't it a wonderfull world Carolina
Look at the birds in the sky
Jehova made this whole joint for you Carolina
And isn't it wonderful to be alive
Real deep shit on her mind
"Lets kill the world
Take over everything"
She says "we don't need politicians
They breed mistrust
And as a matter of fact did you steal my purse?"
Yeah, but isn't it a wonderfull world Carolina
Look at the birds in the sky
Jehova made this whole joint for you Carolina
And isn't it wonderful to be alive
Huh inn't it beautiful to be a...
Isn't it wonderfull to be alive...
Fuck yeah, it's so wonderful i feel like...
8 Meanings
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I really love this song...the lyrics make you think

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I think this song is about how people suck, and how even some people who seem to be out there living a radical lifestyle and doing radical things are often times hypocritical themselves. Though definitely not a slag on living a radical lifestyle; just pointing out that even the punk rock hippie girl of today can suck as much as the business man. Also I think this song touches lightly on trust, with the lines "does she think i'll rob her and run" and the thing about stealing her purse.

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...also the thing at the very end of the song where Gregg Alexander sings "dying DYING" is maybe him saying the chorus was sarcastic, that this world isn't really that beautiful - he just feels like dying.

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This is great song... parrells 311's "Reconsider Everything"(check out what I wrote about that song if you care) Sacrifice you got it right. I was SOOOO bummed when he split up the band. I heard it was cuz his exposure on MTV was everything he didn't want to be. So sad... most people who know there one hit wonder song think they are pop. Maybe a bit pop but SO much more. Amazing album.

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Yeah, the last line is like, "it's so wonderful I feel like... crying, crying, crying, crying, CRYING, DYING, DYING!"

I like sacrifice's analysis... and basically, I think the song is about people's cynical nature nowadays, including the singer's own. I don't even think he's really making fun of the hippie girl; I just think he's basically like, "so this is what people are like." The girl's hypocrisy is just another demonstration of how fucked up everyone and everything is.

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"So original in her black lipstick Listening to some obscure band But isn't she pissed at all the other non-conformists Listen to that same obscure band"

Ain't it the truth. It's funny how indie is the new pop culture, but it's also a little sad at the same time that there are people out there who waive their individuality to feel like an individual. This song calls out all of these types of people. I love it.

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Its about his rebellious sister. Apparently the guy grew up in a jehovas witness household and had a sister named caroline. Basically the song is saying how growing up jehovas witness messes kids up. 'Jehova made this whole joint for you Carolina, so isnt it wonderful to be alive.' Being sarcastic.

Here is some education for you macdadee. First off, it's JEHOVAH, not Jehova. Second, kids raised as Jehovah's Witnesses are no more messed up than any other child in any other household. That is such an ignorant thought. I've met several Jehovah's Witnesses and they are just like any other person of faith - except for one main difference. They aren't hypocrites like the majority of religious people. Maybe you should know what you're talking about before you spew any more ignorance.

MariSafari87 I'm so happy you said that because I'm a Jehovah's Witness and it gets under my skin when people speak with ignorance when it comes to Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead of ignoring us and assuming the worst some should stop and listen.

"They aren't hypocrites like the majority of religious people."


If you are going to set yourself the task of deflating stereotypes, it's probably not a good idea to use stereotypes in your argument.

Next time you rush to indignation, try asking yourself if you're perfect. I'm pretty sure you'll find that you aren't.

Ignorant? Indeed.

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Maybe I'm an idealist with rose-coloured glasses here but I think most of you guys are overestimating the cynical element in the song. My interpretation would rather be that he says that she is rebellious and anxious about the world but still the world is like a drug that can make you feel high and happy. The song expresses ambivalence rather than cynicism I think.

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