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Sellout Lyrics

Have you ever paid 30 bucks For a ticket where the seating sucks? You left the show with a furrowed brow, Who's the sellout now? I don't want my MTV It's just not the same to me. There's nothing wrong with a video, I don't want to see no dumb game show. So who's the sellout? But what is selling out? Do you know what the band's about? Putting food on the table, More power if you're able, You could be dumb or you could be smart, My definition of a rockstar. Is when the music's in your wallet And no longer in your heart. Now who's the sellout? Well if Sid Vicious was so punk, Then I guess I'll start shooting junk, They were on a major label. Now the band has made some money, You're the one that bought the CD, You told are you friends they were cool, Seems to me that you're the fool. So before you open your mouth, And you say a band has sold out, Do you know what they've been through, Know what they've gone through To play in front of you? Now who's the sellout? Now you're the sellout, So you're a sellout. Please don't get me wrong, I can't sum it up in one song. Open your mind before you open your mouth, Because you might be the one selling out.
8 Meanings
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this is a great song with kickass lyrics. I'm suprised no one has posted a comment yet. Its basically about how all these kids call bands sellous if they start to make a little bit of money. If a band starts to get sucessful, they aren't sellouts. And If you talk about the band and stuff, you're probably part of the reason they're getting sucessful. So "Open your mind before you open your mouth cause you might be the one selling out"

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I totally agree but shut the fook up dood

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yeah this song is really good.like i hate when kids i know are like wow what sell-outs.i mean fuck that if i band becomes successful, its a good thing. and if thats what you do for a living go make all the money you want. its not selling out. its survival

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i coudlnt fucking agree with this song more. i hate fucks who throw the word sellout around because it makes them look more punk.

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thank GOD this song exsists... i just wish everyone would listen to it once.

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if you become succesful is because youve earn it, youve work for it. Bigwig just rules! i think someone said to bigwig that they were sold out and tom pissed off and wrote this song just to make a point. Dont know. "I don't want my MTV It's just not the same to me" Bigwig doesnt need to appear in MTV, they just rule without it!

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i dono...bieng succesful isnt really what musics about. if you need the money or sumthing then fine. but wtf? do bands really need to be on mtv? you cant tell me they need fucking 300 fans to stand outside of TRL and cheer for them. and they dont need $4000 to do one show. you can stay underground and saport yourself fucking fine. half the sell out bands are just greedy fucks that want fans

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JustLizHWM... you're right, they don't need it... but the fans make it happen. The bands aren't paying these people to stand outside of TRL. The fans are doing it themselves. Bands don't sell out, people buy in. That's what this song is all about, apparently it went right over your head though.

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