11 Meanings
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Numbers Lyrics

How can I fight for your country, When your country won't fight for me? How can I pray to your god, When you force me to believe? Fuck your schools, fuck your rules, Fuck you and your boundaries, How can you try to control me When you don't even know me? Numbers in the computer, The numbers are getting stronger, How can you glorify bloodshed? Don't tell me about sacrifice, You're god died for his sins, And now I'll die for mine. Fuck your schools, fuck your rules, Fuck you and your boundaries!
11 Meanings
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Well I have to say I completely agree with this song... -lol- "How can I pray to your god, When you force me to believe?" I was recently forced to do my confirmation and I got a bad religion shirt witha crossed out cross and I have to return it, even if I don't even believe in God, cuz my whole family is religiously oppressed. But anyways, BigWig is a great band, i luv this song :P

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Heyyy, i had to do that too!! but i was like mom,, i dont even believe in god,, and i was like fuck it,, we had a pastor penis n yeah,, i dropped out,,"How can i fight for your country when your country wont fight for me" they try to tear down the scene,, i dont feel free,, cant have our music up loud at all anymore,, when it used to be 11,,maryland laws suckit,,

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uhm.. The "how can I fight for your country, when your country wont fight for me" is referring to the govt. that is just sitting back and doing nothing, while normal people get screwed out of simple things.. lol ithas nothing to do with how loud you play your music.

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this is the fucking greatest song Bigwig song ever. Bigwig are my favorite band and this is easily their best song, lyric wise.

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this song to me means you shouldnt be forced into the normal mold. that you should be unique and fucking rebel its a good song

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i saw them in concert awhile ago with tsunami bomb, mest, and h20, and it was one of the best concerts i have ever been to! and it was cool because they all signed my shoe! haha! yeah this is my favorite bigwig song!

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This is my fav. bigwig song along with Mr. Asshole. And what they say in the two songs is realistic. That's one of the reasons I like them. The beat rulez too.

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I think the lyrics to this song are great, I think people should definately be allowed to believe what they they want to and be whoever they want to be without being harassed for it.

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Awesome song. The meaning is obvious. I love the little ska part they put into the song. Hardcore plus Ska breakdown is awesome, just as in the song Capsule by the Suicide Machines

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I saw Bigwig like two weeks after Sept 11th and they opened with this song. I think an eagle cried somewhere.

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