Como Estais Amigos Lyrics
For the death of those we don't know
Shall we kneel and say a prayer
They will never know we care
Shall we keep the fires burning
Shall we keep the flames alight
Shall we try to remember
What is wrong and what is right
If we live for a hundred years
Amigos no more tears
The sacrafice they made
Will the wickedness and
Sadness come to visit us again
Shall we dreink the wine of peace
Shall our tears be of joy
Shall we keep at bay the beast
Inside it must remain
No victory, no vanquished
Only horror, only pain
If we live for a hundred years
Amigos no more tears
If we live for a hundred years
Amigos no more tears

"Como Estais Amigos" is spanish for how are you friends. The song is a tribute to the dead argentinian soldiers in the battle for the "Islas Malvinas" or "Falkland Islands"

Truly brilliant song. One of Maiden's greatest in my opinion. No idea what it's about, though it seems to have something to do with being strong in the face of adversity.

I like to think it more generally.. that the song is about the violence and injustice of our history. And if we fail to learn from it then "the wickedness and sadness" will come to us again. And also that mourning for the past doesn't make the world a better place, remembering what's wrong and right does.

Awesome song. This and "Revelations" are Maiden's most emotional works. Love Janick's lead and Blaze's vocals are perfect on this track.

This is one of the more emotional songs from the band. I think it speaks about war as mentioned elsewhere but for me personally it transcends a specific event. It talks about how easy it is to delude ourselves in the comfort and dullness of our lives, and forget how so many before us and now in the present have made innumerable sacrifices and go through untold suffering to stand up for basic human dignity and dreams. It beehoves us to at least acknowledge and take action to not forget "the forgotten", and not rest on their laurels. It should also make us wonder, if we do ignore them and their sacrifices, do we become prey to the same evils in our lives, personally and in our society.
Towards the end, I think the song takes a dark turn. It talks about how we also go through injustice and evil in front of our very own eyes (either individually or at the level of the society), and there is a even a silent form of protest or screaming. But we choose to squash it in favor of the continued dullness, and in the end it only brings a lot more misery, with us as mere spectators or unwilling participants in the aftermath.

The title is Spanish for "How Are You, Friends." Steve Harris (in the "Run to the Hills" book) mentions is was written by Blaze regarding the Falklands War. (A war between Britain and Argentina in 1982). Iron Maiden had toured Argentina, and Blaze was impressed at how nice the people were there, so it was a statement of friendship towards people whose nation had recently been on the opposite side of a war.

"Como Estais Amigos" is portuguese, and it means "How Are You Friends". About the meaning of the song I don't know, but the traslation of the title is this one.

It's about the Falkland wars between England and Argentina. Steve said it, but I can't recall where.

Janick Gers and I think Blaze Bayley wrote the song, and it's about a Spanish war. Which war that is, I'm not sure. But it's about a war.