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Anodizer Lyrics

Modified.. added lean
Whatcha get... is whatcha see
Full code.... get it straight
Top of the line... never late
Showpiece.. on the bars
Expired sails.. KT scars
Out ridin... backin' day
4130.. only way!

Better check your code, cause he never king (I thought.. better check your coat)
Table toping load like we ain't ever seen!

Pro perform.. throwin tabs
Hefty doubles.. tuff mags
Numbered plate.. ahhh kiss this
Chicken scratch.. hit or miss
Pimp suds... spaced invade
Mouthful.. fade away
White knuckle.. pitched out
Full bore.. all about


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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Anodizer lyrics by Fu Manchu


i understand any of the lyrics in terms of meaning. Can someone explain to me what's the song mean please :) ?

Cover art for Anodizer lyrics by Fu Manchu

There's a lot I don't understand either, but I have the general idea... It's about riding BMX bikes when they where younger. "4130" is the code for the ideal chro-moly steel that bmx frames are made of. A "Tabletop"is a classic bmx move. " hefty doubles" refers to a large set of jumps(a take off hill and separate landing hill, with a gap in between). And "tuff mags" are the old five spoke plastic wheels that everyone used to run back then. Also the "number plate" reference.

I I'm under the impression it's about skateboarding, and the cover of the album seems to support that assumption.

My Interpretation