5 Meanings
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Same Old Story Lyrics

It's patience trying- When you tell me how to live
Well you don't know anything
Your expectations are wearing thin
You won't even take a look- To see another way
You aren't even listening
Take your ideals and go away
I'm not cut from the same old mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm, not cut from the same mold
Don't know who you think I should be
I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Done with yours- I'm living my life for me
Tell me father- Did I turn out so bad
Didn't I look up to you
Took every piece of advice you had
Go to School- Get a job
Send me on your way
You aren't even listening
Take your dreams and go away
For so long I tried to understand
the qualities you thought made up a real man
Now it's time for me to find out for myself
I'm getting fed up I don't need your help
You never listen to both sides of the story
You never listen- You won't listen to me
5 Meanings
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It's about living your own life, and not the one your parents want you to, just because they didn't have the oppurtunity in their life to be happy

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This is the song I wish i had the balls to say to my dad. Its about not living up to someone else dreams for you. Live your life for yourself not anyone else. His father didnt even care what his son said as long as he did what his father wanted. In the end he just tells his dad to fuck off.

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I agree with the father/son thing but also I think the dad wants his son to be like him "like father like son", but hes like, no im different, you my be family but "I'm not cut from the same mould"

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Agree with the above two. A different approach to the other songs saying ignore society. This challenges parental beliefs. I really should listen to this advice more.

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Its about being yourself. Pennywise have a couple of songs with this message

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