3 Meanings
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Piece By Piece Lyrics

What can you do
When you feel like growing up
Is catching up on you?
I feel replaced
In a place I'm not a part of,
In a way I can't erase.

Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece...

This morning streets were lined with enemies
And I never wanted to leave so badly.
To you this promise I'll make,
Without you I'd never sleep.
I've changed as much as I can.

Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece...

Atom bomb, atom bomb,
Atom bomb, atom bomb...

Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece,
Watch it break off.
Piece by piece...
3 Meanings
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This song is truly amazing. What else is there to say?

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Wow. I'm almost 23 and in college and I can totally relate to mving to a new place and latching on to someone special to cope with new and changing surroundings. Such wisdom from such a young kid...

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wow, i feel stupid for some reason i thought this was like sublimanally about war but now i realize i was wrong.

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