Something's Wrong At The Playground Lyrics

well grade school never meant that much to me
I started smokin at the age of 13
back of the class that's where we'd hang around
but they could not bring us down
and now they're on the run
little johnny's mad and he's got a gun
just kids having fun
you can't deny
no alibi
I saw you back when you were just like them
I know it's true

and we all fall down together
ashes to ashes as we burn this fucker down
on the merry go round the kids are learning
yeah there's something wrong at the playground.

well high school was just a holding cell for me
with no freedom as we learn democracy
spent most of my days in the back lot
a cherry burning bright but a future that's not
and now were on the run
try not to think a lot and just keep on having fun
no responsibility
you can't deny
no alibi
you were just like them I saw you back then
I know it's true

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Cover art for Something's Wrong At The Playground lyrics by Mad Caddies

this song is great...i love the meaning and the truth

Cover art for Something's Wrong At The Playground lyrics by Mad Caddies

caddies rule foreva man their tunes just get betta n betta the more u listen to them!:) it sooo exciting!!!:) c ya around guys skank on!xxx

Cover art for Something's Wrong At The Playground lyrics by Mad Caddies

hehe love this song, his voice is so dreamy!:)

Cover art for Something's Wrong At The Playground lyrics by Mad Caddies

i love how the cad's can take something everybody hates (country/western) and twist it into a sweet song

Cover art for Something's Wrong At The Playground lyrics by Mad Caddies

I love this song. It's just about breaking away from overbearing teachers/parents/authority figures and learning to live it up while you can. This song could teach us all something. CADDIES RULE!!! Cheers