Slow Country Lyrics
calling me all the time
me and my soul
geared to attack
never get another chance
so what you doing
gotta get money
keeping me real
can't stand your loneliness
can't stand your loneliness
can't stand your loneliness
been trying not to laugh though
you won't get money
i'm doing what you loving
i'm moving out of city
victor of a second chance
get a lot of problems
we kicked a lot of them

i think it's the opposite. that the guy is so fed up of life in the city that he's moving to the 'slow country'. when i hear this song i think of the seaside, with the weird organ tune and that backing sfx sounds like waves to me. anyways, that's what i think...

I love the wind or whatever in the background

This song is great to go to sleep to. Makes me imagine oceans.

it sounds like an old nintendo super mario thingy

Reminds me of that game Harvest Moon. And the picture in my mind when I hear it is very vivid. It's a view from looking out a car window and staring at the country view, all the hills and fences and cows and pasture. I think its the most vivid picture I get while listening to a song.

unforntionetly i think this song is about prostitution (dum huh) but it's my favorite!!!

may I speak for everyone by saying, "Hwwwaaaa?"

yes,u may.

It's hard to catch what 2D says sometimes, so I've never really caught all the words, but I think it's another one of those little autobiographical songs about a simple guy from a little cowtown moving to the big city to get rich and famous, but it's harder to do than he thought it would be.

when I hear this song, I picture the time in chrono trigger...I forgot which time it was, but it's with all the poor, uneducated people, and then there are the smarter people up in the sky....
The wind is almost exactly the same as it is in the poor people land