8 Meanings
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Snake Lyrics

You snake
You crawled
My legs
Said 'Want
It all?
It's yours
You bet
I'll make
You queen
Of everything
No need
For God
No need
For him
Just take
My hand
You'll be
My bride
Just take
That fruit
Put it
You snake
You dog
You fake
You liar
I've burned
my hands
I'm in
the fire


You salty dog
You filthy liar
My heart
It aches
I'm in
The fire
You snake (You snake)
I ate (I ate)
A true (A true)
Belief (Belief)
Good Lord (Good Lord)
That fruit's (That's fruit's)
Inside (Inside)
Of me (Of me)
Oh Adam (Oh Ad-)
Please (-am please)
You must (You must)
Believe (Believe)
That snake (That snake)
Put it (Put it)
In front (In front)
Of me (Of me)
That snake
Put it
In front
Of me
In front
Of me
Song Info
Submitted by
shut On Dec 05, 2001
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8 Meanings

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Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

It's a brilliant song. I personally interpret it to be about temptation, giving into temptation, and then later feeling the consequences and regret of giving in.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

Self-explainitory. If you don't get it, read Genesis in the bible.

Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

There's just something primal, and quite hot about it.

Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

the song is only a minute and a half long, but in my opinion, it's genious. the structure, the melody (if you'd call it that), the Adam and Eve revisionism -- everything about it is just brilliant.

Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

I agree that this song is about how the snake (the devil) tempted Eve into sin. She took the fruit it's too late to return to innocence. It's Paradise Lost! I don't think she's pleading for sex at the end, though, as pumkinhed suggests. She's just explaining to Adam that the snake maliciously tempted her ("Oh Adam, please, you must believe, that snake put it in front of me").

Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

I think it's relating the Garden of Eden story to being tempted and hurt by a man. Snake, as we all know, can be a metatphor for penis...he was charming, she gave into him, fell for him and fucked him...but he lied, he cheated, he didn't just fuck her in the end, he fucked her over.

the snake is penis

So she's implying that man was the one who is responsible for primal sinn. And next he's proposing complete fall from god. The fruit could be reffering from taking the power of life from god and put it in a woman, so man can from hereon have power to create life. The choice the man made that led to destruction of god also destroyed the infinite solace god offered for the pain in this world. Fire part speaks about the pain this god-killing brought out in this world. At the end is an apologetic tanrum, how...

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Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

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the snake is penis

So she's implying that man was the one who is responsible for primal sinn. And next he's proposing complete fall from god. The fruit could be reffering from taking the power of life from god and put it in a woman, so man can from hereon have power to create life. The choice the man made that led to destruction of god also destroyed the infinite solace god offered for the pain in this world. Fire part speaks about the pain this god-killing brought out in this world. At the end is an apologetic tanrum, how man decived her. But this is just an interpretation..

PS. I just <3 the way she reinterprets (male centered)concepts in man-woman relations.

Pj uses biblical stories to sing about heartbreak. Notice how she uses religious themes in songs like "Missed", "The wind",and "Hair." She becomes each character: Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, Delilah and Samson...in her songs all these characters are always mad with despair and torment over heartbreak. I've always thought Pj isn't as complex as we think...she simply relates to characters, over and over. (Like in A Perfect Day Elise, she identifies herself with Seymour Glass, the protagonist of "A perfect day for banana fish", by J.d salinger.) I dont think she offers a revision of the story of Adam and...

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Pj uses biblical stories to sing about heartbreak. Notice how she uses religious themes in songs like "Missed", "The wind",and "Hair." She becomes each character: Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, Delilah and Samson...in her songs all these characters are always mad with despair and torment over heartbreak. I've always thought Pj isn't as complex as we think...she simply relates to characters, over and over. (Like in A Perfect Day Elise, she identifies herself with Seymour Glass, the protagonist of "A perfect day for banana fish", by J.d salinger.) I dont think she offers a revision of the story of Adam and...

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oh god im sorry i thought i was posting this in the general comments thread ahahhaha...i wasn't intending to answer you directly...AND I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS SO LONG! sorryyyy

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Cover art for Snake lyrics by PJ Harvey

For those of us who don't get it, the song's basically about Adam and Eve. At first she's screeching at him for blaming her for them being thrown out of Eden, then by the second half, she's discovered sex and is now pleading for it.