10 Meanings
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Shouldn't Have Done That Lyrics

Plans made in the nursery
Can change the course of history
Remember that

Mummy's annoyed, says go and play
Don't show your face
Stay away all day
Shouldn't have done that

A small boy and his infantry
Marching around so naturally
Shouldn't have done that

Grows up and goes to school
Such a nice boy
Obeys all the rules
Mummy's proud of that

Leaves school to follow his ambition
Knows what he wants
To be a politician
Shouldn't have done that!

By Fistan Majere
10 Meanings
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I think it is about Hitler.

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It's all about the rise of Adolf Hitler! I went back stage, questioned M. Gore about it, he said, "Correct in your assumption". End of story(stories)!

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Sounds like this boy's mother, by her indifferent, detatched style of parenting would turn any kid into a fine soldier--"I was just following orders." I could hear this man say during his testimony at the Nuremburg Trials!

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Very interesting is reversed second part of the song. It's a story about a bird told by Martin:

The big bird is pecking The little bird is pecking as well The big bird has got more worms than the little bird So the little bird doesn’t like this He’s after the worms that are really owned by the big bird He flies over to the big birds worms Oh and what joy it was when he got those worms And he flew away He flew onto the top of the mountain The big bird was too fat He couldn't fly

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"Plans made in the nursery..." I think it's about Lebensborn, some kind of Institute in the Nazi Germany where the pregnant women had "to donate" their children to the country. Those babies didn't grow with their mothers.

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It's similar to other songs alluding to World War II in Europe, as people feared nationalism. Historically, Britain was fiercely brainwashing their youth, then the youth began rebelling (rock and roll). I believe this song is calling out the mistake of letting the government raise your children instead of raising your children yourself.

My Opinion
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Pretty simple view on how someone can evolve into a dictator. Definitly not about Adolf Hitler then, though the sound of an army marching perfectly in steps appears in the song.

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It refers to a novel in Dino Buzzati's book, Il Colombre (1966)

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Excuse me: SOME of the women were pregnant by selected S.S. soldiers to preserve the "arian" race.

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OK GUYS, I see You have a problem to solve it out. HERE IS SOLUTION. Basecillly is about cover your descending. Martin as a clever and well-read person knew that jewish people are hiding betweeen us and plenty of them want to become polititians and bosses of big companys. (If you believe in it or not it's happening every day in all of the european countrys and Martin was telling abut this not only in this song). Martin knew that couse he liked read books. So beasicly jewish people are learned from young age to hide thier jewish heritage. And then after grew-up they taking big jobs. It's all set up from beggining. But when they small they're parents are keep telling them to never say that they jewish. Even if someone will tell some stupied joke about jews. YOU HAVE to keep laugh with them!. Couse your mission is to pretend european, and when you grow up you'll be prime minister. (I HOPE THEY DON'T REMOVE MY COMMENT ONLY BECAUSE I USED WORD WITH j.)

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