35 Meanings
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Running Lyrics

Running all the time
Running to the future
with you right by my side

I’m the one you chose
out of all the people
you wanted me the most
I’m so sorry that I’m falling
help me up lets keep on running
don’t let me fall out of love

running, running
as fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(do you think we'll make it?)
we're running
keep holding my hand
it's so we don't get separated

be the one I need
be the one I trust most
don’t stop inspiring me
sometimes it's hard to keep on running
we work so much to keep it going
don’t make me want to give up

repeat chorus twice

(the future…)

repeat chorus
35 Meanings
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This song has a very deep eeaning to me, because one of my boyfriends and I, this was our song. I loved him so much, but then he killed himself. I can barely listen to this song anymore, but I still smile, remembering all the good times we had.

I think this song is about not giving up on your love, to keep running.

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this part always makes me smile: "out of all the people you wanted me the most" :) it perfectly depicts the way you feel when you think you're the luckiest person in the world to be with the one you're with.

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i love this song!!!

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Sniff, sniff Aw. This is so cute I think I'm gonna throw up. I'm not usually into songs like this, but this is great! :D

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:~) i love this video how it shows all their past..it's pretty rad..just goes to show how meaningful it is to look back on life plus the songs great. gwen stefani is a really inspriring person..she just doesnt care and she's so talented..

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I love the "video game-esque" backbeat...it's oh-so-delicious...then the actual song itself is quite cool, with a nice mix of techno/rock/ballad. The best part of this song is really that it brings me back to Rock Steady, which I thought was a good album but all the songs were repetitive (e.g. Hella Good, Hey Baby, Rock Steady)...I just got tired of those songs because they never really developed into full songs, just one long chorus. Honestly...go look at the lyrics and witness the repetitiveness...this song has some depth, and I love it, I love Gwen's sad/sentimental songs. Any suggestions on others like this?

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awww. this song is so sad. I haven't been into No Doubt too much lately, but when I saw this video this morning, I couldn't help but cry. I'm in a similar situation right now...kinda hits home. :-/

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awww. this song is so sad. I haven't been into No Doubt too much lately, but when I saw this video this morning, I couldn't help but cry. I'm in a sort of similar situation right now...hits home. :-/

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i agree...the more i hear this song i realize how sad it is...its just so sweet..i think everyone should have someone by their side whether it be a boyfriend-girlfriend..best bud or band. just someone to inspire you and be there... :)

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you can say that again, oh wait you did... ps.. its awesome how much no doubt has been through, this song is amazing

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