23 Meanings
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Ágætis Byrjun Lyrics

Bjartar Vonir Rætast
Er Við Göngum Bæinn
Brosum Og Hlæjum Glaðir
Vinátta Og Þreyta Mætast
Höldum Upp Á Daginn
Og Fögnum Tveggja Ára Bið
Fjarlægur Draumur Fæðist
Borðum Og Drekkum Saddir
Og Borgum Fyrir Okkur
Með Því Sem Við Eigum Í Dag
Setjumst Niður Spenntir
Hlustum Á Sjálfa Okkur Slá
Það Virðist Enginn Hlusta
Þetta Er Allt Öðruvísi
Við Lifðum Í Öðrum Heimi
Þar Sem Vorum Aldrei Ósýnileg
Nokkrum Dögum Síðar
Við Tölum Saman Á Ný
En Hljóðið Var Ekki Gott
Við Vorum Sammála Um Það
Sammála Um Flesta Hluti
Við Munum Gera Betur Næst
Þetta Er Ágætis Byrjun
Song Info
Submitted by
shut On Dec 05, 2001
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23 Meanings

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Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

I thought Ágætis Byrjun translated into 'An alright start'?

Bright hopes come true As we walk the town Smile and laugh happy

Meet friends and fatigue Celebrate the day And boast a two-year waiting

Distant dream came true

Eat drink and be satisfied And cities for us With what we have today

Sit down excited Listen to yourselves beat us In tune with music

It seems no one listening

This is totally different We lived in another world Since we were never (?)

A few days later We talk together again But the sound was not good

We agree that Agree on most things We'll do better next time

This is a good beginning

Google Translate, sorry if it's not 100% correct.

Absolutely beautiful. Sigur Ros changed my life.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós


A Pretty Good Beginning

Bright Hopes Come True As We Walk Downtown Smiling And Laughing Happily Friendship And Exhaustion Collide We Celebrate The Day A Two Year Wait A Distant Dream Is Born We Eat And Drink Til We’re Full And Pay For Ourselves With Everything We Have For The Day We Sit Down Excited Listen To Ourselves Play In Rhythm To The Music No One Seems To Listen This Is Completely Different We Lived In Another World Where We Were Never Invisible A Few Days Later We Speak Again But The Sound Wasn’t Good We Were All In Agreement In Agreement About Most Things We’ll Do Better Next Time This Is A Pretty Good Beginning

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

I first heard Sigur Ros on the Vanilla Sky Soundtrack and fell in love with them. Their sound is awesome...it's something that anyone who loves music can appreciate, even if they can't understand the words. LOL

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

This is definitely the unsung hero of this album. I love this song, and I think that it's one of their ultimate bests.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

That's what they have on their site.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

when you translate from another language, the words can be translated to many different things. yes, on the site they say an alright start, but it doesn't make a pretty good beginning any less true.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

taking from the site : the first song sigur rós recorded for the ágætis byrjun album was (shock!) ágætis byrjun. when they finished the song, they played it to their friend who really liked it and said it was an "alright start" (= ágætis byrjun), so they named the album after that.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

my friend Loren has a tattoo of this on her back. not the whole thing, just the title. I really love what it means.

Cover art for Ágætis Byrjun lyrics by Sigur Rós

I don't think you need to understand the lyrics or what's sung. It's the same principle as Hopelandish. Icelandic is such an obscure language as well that the majority of listeners won't understand it. I speak a bit of Icelandic but not well enough to listen to the songs so to the average listener, Icelandic may as well be Hopelandish. It's about stripping back and letting the sound speak for itself. Sigur Ros posess the unique gift of being able to express far more without words than most bands can with them!