Hjartað Hamast (Bamm Bamm Bamm) Lyrics
Eins Og Alltaf
En Nú Úr Takt Við Tímann
Týndur Og Gleymdur Heima Hjá Mér
Alveg Að Springa Í Gegnum Nefið
Sný Upp Á Sveitta Sængina
Stari Á Ryðið Sem Vex Á Mér
Étur Sig Inní Skelina
Stend Upp Mig Svimar
Það Molnar Af Mér
Ég Fer Um Á Fótum
Geng Fram Hjá Mér
Klæði Mig Nakinn
Og Fer Svo Úr
Vakinn En Sofinn
Sef Ekki Dúr
Hjartað Stoppar
Hreyfist Ekki
Kem Gangráð Fyrir (Sem Ég Kingi Og Fel)
Finn Startkapal (Og Kveiki Í Mér)
Sé Allt Tvöfalt (Tvöfalt Svart)
Kerfisbilun (Heilinn Neitar)
Held Áfram Að Leita
Óstjórnandi (Upplýsingar)
Þarf Aftur Að Mata (Mata Mig)
Tala Upphátt Og Ferðast Inni Í Mér Leita
Ég Leita Af Lífi Um Stund
Ég Stóð Í Stað
Með Von Að Vin Ég Vinn Upp Smá Tíma
Leita Að Ágætis Byrjun
En Verð Að Vonbrigðum


The Heart Pounds
The Heart Pounds As Always But This Time Out Of Rhythm With Time Lost And Forgotten At Home Going To Explode Through My Nose Turn Myself To The Sweaty Covers Stare At The Rust That Grows On Me Eats Itself Into The Shell I Stand Up I’m Dizzy I’m Crumbling Away I Walk Around On My Feet Walk Past Myself Clothe Myself Naked And The Take It Off Woken Up But Put To Sleep I Don’t Sleep A Bit The Heart Stops Doesn’t Move I Insert A Pacemaker (That I Swallow And Hide) I Find A Start Cable (And Turn Myself On) See Everything Double (Double Black) System Failure (The Brain Refuses) I Continue To Look Uncontrollable (Information) I Have To Feed (Feed Myself) I Speak Out Loud And Travel Inside Myself Searching I Search For Life For A While I Stood In My Place With Hope As My Friend I Make Up Some Time I Look For A Good Beginning But It Becomes A Disappointment

wow... yeah I think that word discribes this song quite well...

I must agree with themarchofFlmaes the song stands for the word very well

I just love this song. His voice is really, as Burn Face Down said, breathtaking.

"breathtaking", Burn Face Down.
couldnt say it better.

I really love this song

This is an amazing song, so entirely beautiful. It is breathtaking, and i just lovethe way Jonsi's voice sounds in this song, half whispering, half moaning, and something else.

indeed my breath is taken...
away, as it were...

Too bad they won't play it live. I think it might be one of the harder songs to play live— perhaps that is why they don't like to.
I've actually heard that Jonsi hates this song.