Flugufrelsarinn Lyrics
Ég Gerði Skip Tilbúið Og Fór Með Litla Bæn Því Ég Var Hræddur.
Sólin Skein Og Lækurinn Seytlaði.
Sóley - Sóley Flugurnar Drepast.
En Í Dag Á Ég Að Bjarga Sem Flestum Flugum.
Með Spotta Í Skip Ég Er Með Í Hvorri Hendi - Ákveðinn.
Ég Kasta Þeim Út Í Hylinn Og Reyni Að Hala Flugurnar Inn Áður En Seiðin Ná Til Þar Sem Þær Berjast Við Strauminn Og Vatnið.
Þannig Líður Dagurinn.
Sjálfur Kominn Um Borð, Var Farinn Að Berjast Við Bæjarlækinn Sem Hafði Þegar Deytt Svo Margar.
Ég Næ Ekki Andanum Og Þyngist Við Hverja Öldu.
Mér Vantar Kraftaverk Því Ég Er Að Drukkna Syndir.
Ég Reyni Að Komast Um Borð. Ég Dreg Í Land Og Bjarga Því Sjálfum Mér Aftur Á Bakkann.
Á Heitan Stein Ég Legg Mig Og Læt Mig Þorna Aftur.
Ég Kasta Mér Út Í Hylinn Og Reyni Að Hala Flugurnar Inn Áður En Seiðin Ná Til Þeirra Þar Sem Þær Berjast Við Strauminn Og Vatnið.
Gustur, Allur Ennblautur.
Frakkur Finnur Hvernig Báturinn Er Kominn Úr Mesta Straumnum Og Landið Smám Saman Nálgaðist.
Hann Bæði Um Borð Í Sjó Og Landi Bjargandi Flugunum Sem Farast Hér.
Þó Sér Í Lagi Sjálfum Sér.
Eilíft Stríð Og Hvergi Friður.
En Það Verður Einhver Að Fórna Sér.
Dagarnir Eru Langir.
Hullaballoo, I Rushed Down To The Lake, A Savior.
I Made A Ship Ready And Said A Little Prayer Because I Was Scared.
The Sun Shone And The Lake Flowed.
Sunflowers – Sunflowers The Flies Die.
But Today I Am To Save As Many Flies As Possible.
In Each Hand I Carry A String - Determined.
I Throw Them Into The Abyss And Try To Draw In The Flies Before The Smolts Reaches Them Where They Fight The Stream And Water.
I Can’t Breathe And I’m Getting Heavier With Every Wave.
I Need A Miracle Because I’m Drowning Sins.
I Try To Get Onboard.
I Pull Ashore And Save Myself Onto The Beach.
I Lay On A Hot Rock And Let Myself Dry Again.
I Throw Myself Into The Abyss And Try To Draw In The Flies Before The Smolts Reach Them Where They Fight The Stream And Water.
A Breeze, I’m All Soaked.
Bold Feels How The Boat Is Out Of The Strongest Current And The Land Slowly Approaches.
He Is Both Sea And On Land Saving The Flies That Die Here.
Though Especially Himself.
Eternal War, Peace Nowhere.
Someone Has To Sacrifice Himself.
The Days Are Long.
I think this is a beautiful and they dont even need to sing in english. I hope they continue singing in Icelandic
I agree with you ruben. This band is absolutly great. His vioce is beautiful,....I heart this song,...very much,...along with others,....hahaha,.......
This, Svefn-g-englar or Viorar vel til loftarasa? Hard choice... amazing song.
Fantastic song! great lyrics. And just interesting! Sigur ros are an essential band today.
the chorus of this song is amazing. Its uplifting at any time. I always get such a rush when it builds up.
Beautiful song, maybe my favorite off of their thrid album (if I try to spell it I know I'll get it wrong ^_^).
Does anyone else think it sounds a bit like Tomorrow by U2?
i love this song ALOT. so interesting lyrics and beautiful melody.. although i noticed somethings: "ennblautur" should be rennblautur.. it means dripping wet or soaked. and sóley does not mean 'sunflower' i dont think, but 'buttercup.' which is also a flower yellow in color. sóley is also a semi popular icelandic girl's name.. just thought i would add that :) Sigur Rós rule!! i hope they keep writing such amazing songs.. i'm sure they will. -kveðja, beta j.
Beautiful imagery in this song. And it makes me laugh seeing older comments about hoping they never sing in English-- and now they have. I think it's a nice thing though, and not a permanent one either, so I'm happy with it.