3 Meanings
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Out Of Tune Lyrics

Overwhelming as they are
Breeding hope by counting stars
Merge the bitterness the pain
Which I'm sure
You can explain again

One gets hurt when she feels small
( And she's longing for some peace )
Beeing the center of it all
( Slow attack but fast release )
Hear the difference in vain
Out of tune but just not quite the same

Overwhelming as they are
( With their mistifying glow )
Breeding hope by counting stars
( As they hunger for the show )
Hear the difference in vain
Out of tune but just not quite the same
Song Info
Submitted by
shut On Dec 05, 2001
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Out Of Tune lyrics by Hooverphonic

This is about someone who is enduring a lot of pain, and is trying to help themselves feel better, but hasn't really found peace yet.

That's a total guess, and I'd really like to hear other ideas.

This is a beautiful song and would be more so if I could understand it.


Cover art for Out Of Tune lyrics by Hooverphonic

I changed my mind a little, or at least refined my opinion:

"Overwhelming as they are Breeding hope by counting stars"

'they' are some sort of vaguely defined issues. So, this person is overwhelmed by something, and attempting to drum up hope within themselves.

"Merge the bitterness the pain Which I'm sure You can explain again"

Obviously the person is feeling both bitterness and pain at what was done to her (as we see later, the person being spoken about is a girl). I think the second two lines are a sort of sarcastic gibe at whoever hurt the girl...something along the lines of "I'm sure you've got some lame explanation for what you did this time, too..."

"One gets hurt when she feels small ( And she's longing for some peace ) Beeing the center of it all ( Slow attack but fast release ) "

Obviously this girl was made to feel small by this anonymous 'bad guy', and the second line is pretty obvious. The third line here I think provides some insight that the narrator doesn't think the girl is without blame. She was perhaps a bit selfish, and felt herself entitled to something that was maybe too lofty. The 4th line could mean many things, I think....perhaps she had known the person a long time before they hurt her (slow attack), and then quickly left her (fast release) or she's quickly getting over it.

"Hear the difference in vain Out of tune but just not quite the same"

I think to hear the difference in vain is a reference to the idea that she realizes she's better off without this hurtful person, but that realization is in vain, because it isn't helping her feel any better. This second line doesn't make a whole lot of sense, just because something that is 'out of tune' is, by definition, 'not the same' as what it should be....I just, in my own purposes of understanding the song, try to replace the 'but' with an 'and', because then the whole thing makes sense. "out of tune AND just not quite the same." if anyone has any ideas of that line that explain it better, let me know....

any other ideas from someone else???

Cover art for Out Of Tune lyrics by Hooverphonic

your idea seems about right.