17 Meanings
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8th Commandment Lyrics

All those lies suit you. They are custom made to drive
you out of reality. Lies are true for you. You know, what
you do is reaching a point of insanity.

When you wake from your dream you know what is true?
Ring of bell inside your head is playing with your mind

Remember to pray, and what the Bible says and you will
live thru eternity You haven't hear of this?
There is something you missed - it will cost you so heavily.

You must sleep in the stinking bed that you have made
When you're down where you belong hear what they say.

Stay for a while, stay forever. Sing for the times you are
bound to betray. Run for your life, run forever, your eyes
tell a lie and the liar must always die.

When you're done with him, you know where you have
been, He will treat us all equally.
Can you feel the fire burning

You must sleep in the stinking bed that you have made.
When you're down where you belong hear what they say.

Stay for a while, stay forever. Sing for the times you are
bound to betray. Run for your life, run forever, your eyes
tell a lie and the liar must die.

By Fistan Majere
17 Meanings
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there is no commandment that says "thou shall not lie" Different religions have different orders, on some the 8th commandment is "You shall not steal." altho this one is the 7th in others.

the 8th Commandment, however, is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" Which is basically not to lie, but it does not say "thou shall not lie"... confusing...

All in all, what they (Sonata A) might be saying is that lying will be punished, and death, furthermore, going to hell ("Can you feel the fire burning ") is the consequence...

This is not true at all, for God will not send you to hell for lying, but it is a sing alright.

"Remember to pray, and what the Bible says and you will live thru eternity You haven't hear of this? There is something you missed - it will cost you so heavily." The commandments are on Exodus 20

"When you're done with him, you know where you have been, He will treat us all equally. Can you feel the fire burning" Could be talking about God or the devil, or both. "He" is spelled with capital H, therefore refering to God, however, they talk abotu the "fire", and of course, that is not God

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The 8th commandment: Thou shall not lie. This song is a warning to someone who lie maybe a wee too much. It is saying, God takes us all equally so, you lied, you sinned, you will burn in Hell.

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it is a sin~ arlight... not sing. hehe

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Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor is most definately the commandment against lying. And which religions switched the commandments? I'm sure Jewish and Christians have the same, along with muslims.

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i agree with rebelj1 on the meaning

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Sonata Arctica are from Finland, so am I, the 8th one is the one about false witness in our main religion. That could also mean serious lies, I don't think you'll go to hell for telling your mother you went to bed at ten when you stayed up all night ;)

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The state religion of Finland is Evangelic-Lutheran. Luther's interpretation of the 8th Commandment actually seemed to be more along the lines of not spreading damaging rumors or betraying someone's trust, whether true or false. On the surface that's exactly what this song is about. In "False News Travel Fast" they touch on the very same subject but without religious overtones. I'm not sure SA would go out with plain out religious song, but in any case it certainly seems very simple.

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The line "Remember to pray, and what the Bible says and you will live thru eternity" suggests it may be more about hypocricy, but that enters into the domain of personal meaning. "You haven't heard of this?" right after it can be interpreted several ways after all. For myself, I always figured this song had perhaps more to do with hypocricy in accusing others. I am particularily struck by the fire & brimstone language and partially want to think it's about how people who accuse of everybody else ending up in Hell are most likely to end up there themselves, but who knows. (Again "False News Travel Fast" suggests it's likely to be much more mundane).

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This song says to me that a liars words will always come back and hurt them. their lies keep them from rising, keeping them from ever resting peacefully, dooming them to hell.

Great song, This is what got me hooked on Sonata in the first place... LOVE IT!

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Damn...Sonata Arctica are such a powerful band. I totally agree that this song is about neing punished for lying compulsively to and about those who trust you and who you trust the most. A very religious song indeed; you wouldn't expect it from a normal power metal band :P but Sonata Arctica aren't a normal power metal band now, are they? hehe

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