13 Meanings
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Blank File Lyrics

It is your new best friend, new eye in your private den
And you can find the world inside it every day
They know what you did today, hear everything you say
And when they send you mail,
they know where you will go sometime next day

They know your life, they have a file about you
They built your life, so they...

Know what you like and know what you yearn
but they don't know a thing about me
I'm not that easy, I'm blank file in their memory

Caught in the web again, inside your private den
Where you can go to moon
or meet some people you will never see
You are a file in there, money in an open fair
You're a slave among the slaves, waiting for the future with a fear

They know your life, they have a file about you
They built your life, so they...

Know what you like and know what you yearn
but they don't know a thing about me
I'm not that easy, I'm blank file in their memory

Still they try to take over, control my life,
but no one can do it but me
I'm not that easey, I'm blank file in their memory

Know what you like and know what you yearn
but they don't know a thing about me
I'm not that easy, I'm blank file in their memory

I am waiting, hoping and praying
to see - how this - will end - when they go down

How can it be, that you cannot see
what they are doing with thee
You are a life, new file in their memory, now they

Know what you like and know what you yearn
but they don't know a thing about me
I'm not that easy, I'm blank file in their memory

How can it be, that you cannot see
what they are doing with thee
spending your time, living your life
inside their machines there is one empty file, it is me

By Fistan Majere
13 Meanings
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I think the meaning of the song has to do with the decrease in personal privacy due to the internet and advance in electronics over the years.

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I personally think it's about how a person is wondering why their friend(With a computer) spends so much time on it and it becomes their life. Cyber hackers then get to know everyhting about the person who has the comp and the original person is saying how they don't know anything about them.

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Maybe its because of the messenger era, and the profiles. You can make believe whatever you want the to see you for. And people got acces to lot of the profiles, which makes the fragile for others because of some info. The guy that is a blankfile in the memory means he doesnt go with the stream. He likes his privacy and or maybe he doesnt like people (blank file in their memory can be seen as no1 knows me) and his girlfriend (or the one he likes) is an open page. As she got her page and put all the personal things in it.

And about some1 who thinks internet is a waste of your time.

oh well thats how i see it

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I definitely agree with you here, Vega_Komamura. especially this part: 'It is your new best friend, new eye in your private den And you can find the world inside it every day' definitely sounds like a telescreen or something like it.

The song may not be a direct reference, but we definitely are not talking spammers/hackers or anything like that. They have to have a lot of organization to have a file on everyone. Probably a government (real or fictional). The obvious references to the internet makes me think it's not a direct reference to either of those works.

Really what this song reminded me of is the cigarette smoking man from the x-files. He goes about nameless, untraceable. While there are still some remains of his old life around, basically, they have a blank file for him.

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sounds like someone with no computer, doesnt want one, hates tecnology because it puts things into your head that you think you need and want (tv and even the internet do it) and he knows someone thats sucked in...

hahaha i love this song

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...This is more likely either about 1984 or Farenheit 451. Tony K. seems to be a huge fan of using literary references in his music; hence why most of it is so beautiful. The lines ' It is your new best friend, new eye in your private den And you can find the world inside it every day They know what you did today, hear everything you say And when they send you mail, they know where you will go sometime next day

They know your life, they have a file about you They built your life, so they...

Know what you like and know what you yearn but they don't know a thing about me I'm not that easy, I'm blank file in their memory' definately reminds me of telescreens in 1984. They were able to watch you, know what you would do, how you would react, etc.

Thats what it makes me think of, at least

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There's actually nothing in the song about Y2K, and you would know that if you listened to the song youtube.com/watch

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ok I think you should know Y2K is a program that was supposed to damage many computers....but it never happened.....Y2K was a kind of virus!!!! thank you ;D

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I see in this song someone who is a Luddite (google it). I also see a lot of references to Second Life on here (also google this one). Well more so than 1984, like some have speculated. The song talks about someone who has a computer, might have just gotten it, and is hooked on it. They have created their own little world inside it, and is now a file on someone else's computer. You have to give fairly a lot about your personal life to make an account on many of these sights, and your actions on them tell a lot more, so they are able to cater to you and your taste by sending you emails talking about stuff you like and might want to buy on there. I find it very interesting that the song says "go to moon," since in second life, the most expensive non-earthly thing has be bought with earthly money, was a virtual space rock. But continuing on, they talk about how you can "meet some people you will never see," like I am sure we all have before. But the speaker, (and it is best to use the term speaker, since we don't know if it is specifically Tony, or a character of his own imagination who is meaning the words in this song) says that he is not apart of this world, this control, so there is no file on him inside cyberspace. He is trying to reach out to you, humanity in general, and try to wake you so you can see what you have become, "a slave amongst the slaves," and hope that you can break from it.

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About the internet, everything being connected and the loss of privacy. What is cool that when this song was first released I thought of the lyrics as childish, but it has actually become more relevant as time has passed, as we're now more reliant on technology and networks than at the time of Ecliptica's release, and also considering the recent disclosures about NSA surveillance and such.

My Interpretation
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