Great American Sharpshooter Lyrics

So you think of what it could've been
when "time is all you've lost"
keeps burning through your head
now you fall asleep standing but lie awake in bed
watch the clock drag on and think about what you should've said
It's for the better your better half is gone
its O.K. you didn't need her anyway
and I don't want to hear you say nobody can take her place
and what more can I say you didn't need her anyways
So you think of how it should've been
and "it's just over" keeps going through your head
you're hearing all those words
time and time again
watch the phone all night and think about what you should've said.
It's for the better your better half is gone
9 Meanings
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Great song for you to listen to after the bitch leaves you

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so when it says "time is all you've lost" its referring to have wasted however long the relationship lasted. "Now you fall asleep standing but lie awake in bed" means that you seem asleep or depressed in the day but you lay awake in bed, unable to sleep. The rest of the song seems pretty self explanatory.

My Interpretation
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This is LTJ's best song it's about telling a friend that he dosn't need his ex-girlfriend.

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This song has helped me a lot. Girls really suck somtimes, and this song helpes me notice everything will be ok. I think thats what makes LTJ such an amazing band, all there songs are about growing up and dealing with the crap of everyday life.

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Yo Bugzcar, it certainly is, cause bitches be ho's and women are evil forever and always.

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of course this song kicks ass, and ltj is the best band out there. hello rockview is the best ska album ever, including energy by op ivy. everything less than jake does is amazing, and unlike a lot of ska bands (im not putting them down) theyr lyrics actually have a message.

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This song reminds me of my last girlfriend.

I miss being with her and all, but oh well, c'est la vie.

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Man, I love this song. These guys really do rock. I do realize that girls can be real bitches sometimes, as I am one, haha... But I do love this song and this band. They sing about things that we really need to hear; things that'll help the age group behind them, people like me and everyone commenting. These guys can really bring someone up. Man, I love them.

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To quote the live version, "this song's about love and matrimony and how it all goes down the fuckin' toilet!"

Song Meaning
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