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Revelling Lyrics

you were so in love
that it was all you could talk about
and i think i felt a little left out
you were on cloud nine all the time
while i was leveling
i was wringing my hands and you were reveling

but then why shouldn't you?
it was such a beautiful thing to do

would that i could get me some
of your yum yum delirium
i could level off the ground that we stand on
but with you down on bended knee
always looking up at me
that feeling of standing up together is gone

and though i love you through all time and space
my love always seems to take second place

you were so in love
that it was all you could talk about
and i think i felt a little left out
you were on cloud nine all the time
while i was leveling
i was wringing my hands and you were reveling

but then why shouldn't you?
it was such a beautiful thing to do
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Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 05, 2001
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Revelling lyrics by Ani DiFranco

songs like this are the reason i love ani difranco so much. not only does she have this amazing mind that can find the right words when they always seem out of reach.... but she writes about these things that you dont hear anyone else write about. things that cauise pain, things that arent cliche.

the relatinoship where you know your partner loves you more than you do them... and you just cant fix it... and its so painful... she captured it so beautifully and honestly. i love this song.

Cover art for Revelling lyrics by Ani DiFranco

To me, this song is pretty much about a girl whose friend is newly in couple and is completely blinded by the feelings love brings to him. He can't stop takling about it and nothing exists for him but his love. So the girl express her feeling of rejection - plus, the song suggest that the girl might be in love with the guy, but he just can't see it since he's only living for his own feelings; «Being in love in love», you know what I mean.

Ani is absolutely genuis for writing such powerful lyrics and music, it's all very melancholic, and expresses feelings we all feel, but she is never cliché when she expresses that. Love that song, and I love this album !

Cover art for Revelling lyrics by Ani DiFranco

This is a story about two people who don't speak the same language when it comes to love. The lover is fixated on representational idealization of love. What they think love means. She is weary in heart because she simply loves this person the way she loves them. Which is to say, she loves this person directly, while the lover loves her conceptually.

I suppose this could happen in the case of the lover with complete sincerity, feeling as if they truly do love her...but it's blindfolded and they don't appreciate (hard as they may try) or receive her love. Have you ever been in a relationship where your love was never enough, where no matter how deeply you loved someone, your love was not the right kind? I think this is what she feels.

Maybe she desires to understand love as a mold, as the lover does. Maybe if she weren't preoccupied with other difficult realities, she would be floating in the same atmosphere. But she ebbs, the lover flows and while they are a part of the same massive body, they are painstakingly in entirely opposite directions.