To the Teeth Lyrics
and we are armed to the teeth
we're all working together now
to make our lives mercifully brief
what guns are all about
confused liberty with weaponry
and watch your kids act it out
some boy gets the milk fed suburban blues
reaches for the available arsenal
and saunters off to make the news
are learning what poor women have always known
that the edge is closer than you think
when the men bring the guns home
that's how you'll find the source
of the big lie that you and i both know so well
death wish to run it's course
they're gonna to make a pretty penny
and then they're going to hell
malcolm forecast it this way
are we really going to sleep through another century
while the rich profit off our blood?
to see this undoing through
but in my humble opinion
here's what i suggest we do
open fire on mtv
open fire on nbc and cbs and abc
open fire on the nra
and all the lies they told us along the way
open fire on each weapons manufacturer
while he's giving head to some republican senator
about a fools right to his tools of rage
i'm gonna take all my friends
and i'm going to move to canada
and we're going to die of old age

No comments? gasp
I think this one is pretty clear cut. Guns are bad. Overall a great song with powerful lyrics.

I wonder how 9/11 would change this song...

I love the lines, "and if i hear one more time about a fools right to his tools of rage" because I feel that it's rather accurate at times. This song about gun control is a beautifully spoken statement about an ugly issue.

I love this song. A great protest about one of the most controversial American issues-it would have been cool if this song was in Bowling for Columbine. I also love the attack on the corporations-it's too bad Ani doesn't get much recognition for her politics
I hope Ani plays in when I see her in ten days in Victoria, BC, Canada--I Am Canadian

A powerfull, beautifull statement. Pitty America seems so far away from listening to her many citicens who think this way. This song makes me cry.