18 Meanings
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Little Plastic Castle Lyrics

in a coffee shop in a city
which is every coffee shop
in every city
on a day which is every day
i pick up a magazine
which is every magazine
and read a story then forgot it right away

they say goldfish have no memory
i guess their lives are much like mine
the little plastic castle
is a surprise every time
it's hard to say if they are happy
but they don't seem much to mind

from the shape of your shaved head
i recognized your silhouette
as you walked out of the sun and sat down
and the sight of your sleepy smile eclipsed all the other people
as they paused to sneer at the two girls from out of town

and i said "look it, you're the smartest
you are by far the cutest
but be careful getting coffee
i think these people wanna shoot us
or maybe there's some kind of local competition here
to see who can be the rudest"

people talk about my image
like i come in two dimensions
like lipstick is a sign of my declining mind
like what i happen to be wearing the day
that someone takes my picture
is my new statement for all of womankind

i wish they could see us now
in leather bras and rubber shorts
like some ridiculous team uniform
for some ridiculous new sport
quick someone call the girl police
and file a report
in a coffee shop in a city
which is every coffee shop
in every city
on a day which is every day
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 05, 2001
18 Meanings
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this song is just amazing... i love the line "people talk about my image like i come in two dimensions, like lipstick is a sign of my declining mind." and the first stanza really sets the scene, of something typical and generic. the trumpets give it a fun almost mocking tone and i love that... it's just a great song :)

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maybe like..everything is routine but that doesn't mean that you can't be happy like we as humans are just "swimming" in the metaphorical fish bowl and we don't need new suprises to make our lives okay we should just be content :) peace and love, -Belldandy-

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I can't believe only 3 people have commented on this. I don't understand why artists like Ani aren't famous as hell, because her lyrics are damn genius. Anyway, this song is amazing. It just shows how everythings the same... "in a coffee shop in a city which is every coffee shop in every city on a day which is every day.." ... I think people are like that too. After a while everything kinda blends together. Ani's different, and thats why she deserves 10 times the credit she gets.

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people talk about my image like i come in two dimensions like lipstick is a sign of my declining mind like what i happen to be wearing the day that someone takes my picture is my new statement for all of womankind

i like to think here she's ripping on all the so called 'die hard fans' that were freaking out when she was getting some serious publicity from the main stream media after Living in Clip came out and when she got married the first time.

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i love it! marahhhh my gold fish has a memory-doo it

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i agree ani is great and so is this song

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i think i read somewhere that little plastic castle was written for heidi, the merch girl.

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Just because I wear a push up bra doesn't mean I'm a tool of the patriarchy.

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She is totally ripping on all the people around her, saying they are like goldfish with no memory because everything around them is always the same. When they see her they freak out.

It's like everyone is always asleep and only someone like Ani (and hopefully someday me, too!)who is able to rise above the crap and see what is real and what is beautiful, instead of just wanting the same thing all the time.

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