6 Meanings
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Heretique Lyrics

Let us be the ones
to put the thorn in thy eye
...let us be the ones
Squalid the weak stumbles
through all of life's obscurities
Lost in sacriliege
Revere the name
Accept the modesty
Falter through speres of the pain
Exhausted hours... Exhausted hours
Nothing from thy world will remain thine
except the very priviliege to die
Squalid the weak stumbles...
Orgasmic Mass Hysteria!
You're creeping for a charlatan god

By Fistan Majere
6 Meanings
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exactly like the song title, heresy (which is a denial or dissension from an orthodox standard) is clearly presented as the dominant message. without even trying to hide it - - "let us be the ones to put a thorn in thy eye." if you have read the New Testament, you will know a thorn in your eye means that you are blind with sin, or anything you want to call it; not righteous. thats the first sign of heresy, OPEN heresy. so the next few lines it shows some cool literature describing the life of this heretic's life of laborousness and feeling of failing. the narrator is indeed right about nothing in this world remains yours except the privilege to die (it is unclear to me as a positive or negative message, but a truthful one) they end with accusing these frantic masses as being victims of a cult. this song could take either side really, as the heretic accusing a church, or a church accusing a heretic. as both these sides see eachother as the heretic to truth. i'm leaning towards the heretic accusing a church since they say "let us be the ones to put a thorn in thy eye", as a church would probably say "let us be the ones to remove the thorn from thy eye". either way, both sides would stand in a controversial position since we are not to judge unless we want ourselves judged for our judgements made. and who wants that?

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Lovely song... makes me happy for some reason =)

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Nice interpretation.

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Gosh, I LOVE this song! I could listen to it all day.

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The part in German is: “Es gibt keinen Gott, Es gibt kein Leben. Sie werden alle sterben, Ohne die Erlösung.” Translated its the following: “There is no God, There is no Life They’ll all die, Without Salvation.”

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I don't like this one!Yeah,it's probably about heresy.But I still don't like it

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