194 Meanings
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No Lies, Just Love Lyrics

It was in the march of the winter
I turned seventeen
That I bought those pills
I thought I would need
And I wrote a letter
To my family
Said it's not your fault
And you've been good to me
Just lately I've been feeling
Like I don't belong
Like the ground's not mine
To walk upon
And I've heard that music
Echo through the house
Where my grandmother drank
By herself
And I sat watching a flower
As it was withering
I was embarrassed by
It's honesty
So I'd prefer to be remembered
As a smiling face
Not this fucking wreck
That's taken it's place

So please forgive what I have done
No, you can't stay mad at the setting sun
We all get tired, I mean, eventually
There is nothing left to do but sleep

But spring came bearing sunlight
Those persuasive rays
So I gave myself
A few more days
My salvation, it came
Quite suddenly
When Justin spoke
Very plainly
He said, "Of course it's your decision
But just so you know
If you decide to leave
Soon I will follow"

I wrote this for a baby
Who has yet to be born
My brother's first child
I hope that womb's not too warm
Because it's cold out here
And it will be quite a shock
To breathe this air
To discover loss
So I'd like to make some changes
Before you arrive
So when your new eyes meet mine
They won't see no lies

Just love
Just love
I will be pure
No, no, I know I will be pure
Like snow
Like gold
Like snow
Like gold
194 Meanings
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I'm almost positive it's about suicide. He "bought the things he thought he would need." Pills? A gun, perhaps? He wrote a letter to his family. A suicide note, most likely. So why was he going to kill himself? Perhaps because he was disillusioned. Maybe he had been really happy as a child, but he thought he was losing all of his potential as he got older. He was no longer a "smiling face," he was becoming a "fucking wreck." He tried to hide his depression for as long as possible because he didn't want people to feel sorry for him, but he didn't think that he could hold it inside any longer. That's why he's embarassed by the withering flower. The flower's natural reaction to a bad situation is to wither. He's been in lots of bad situations, but he doesn't want people to realize that he's withering.

Anyway, it's March, it's winter, he's decided he's going to kill himself. But then spring comes and suddenly it's sunnier again. The "persuasive rays" (fantastic line, btw) convince him that not everything in life is unhappy, there are some things to live for. The thing that finally makes up his mind, though, is when his brother Justin basically tells him "If you kill yourself, I'll be so devastated that I'll die, too." He realizes that, yes, things have been going bad, but people still love him and there are still things to live for.

The last verse is a dedication to his brother's unborn child (haha, this is where I start to cry). It's a parallel to his own life. The womb (childhood) is warm and deceiving, but sometimes, when you get older, the world can be cold and cruel. But he wants to show his nephew that not everything is horrible, not everything is a lie. Sometimes there's just love. He promises this to his nephew, and to himself.

Absolutely beautiful song. Easily the best song about suicide ever. Allow me to restate that Conor is pure genius.

I think this is the best interpretation I've heard yet, I totally agree with you!

i like what you said about the whithering flower line, very well put

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This is the first song that has ever made me physically cry. This song is absolutely beautiful. Conor is pure genius.

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i love how he writes about real things, and even if they aren't real, he makes them seem as if they were (i.e. using his brother's name "justin" in plain text in this song). makes you wonder if this actually happened, or if it is just another masterfully written song lyric by the brilliance that is mr. oberst.

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connor sounds like hes about to cry for a second there.. this songs pretty radical though. i think i like it, i know i like it, i like it alot because because it pisses you off

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this song draws out so much emotion in me. i teared the first time i heard it. conor is a god of words.

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when i hear this song i think of a young man about to kill himself in the springtime when people are normally supposed to feel happy. he writes a letter to his family explaining why. the grandmother line makes it sound as if they have a history of depression in their family. he tells his family that he wants them to remember him at his best, not how bad he had gotten when he was just about to kill himself. he explains that he got tired and that it was going to happen anyway ( ie the setting sun comment). suddenly he started feeling better so he decided that he would stay and his brother finds out and he tells him that if he kills himself he will too. the last few parts are really sad.

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He's a lyrical genius. This song is beautiful.

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Apparently this track slipped by a lot of people else it’d have more comments than any other Bright Eyes song !!!

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Though everyone else seems to be tip-toeing around the meaning to be seen here, I see perfectly what conor is trying to get across.

Each part of the song tells a story of his life-inside of his head-upon his attempt at suicide. All his thoughts upto his downfall, and what prevents him from the loss of his own life.

"It was in the march of the winter I turned seventeen That I bought those pills I thought I would need"

Upon turning seventeen, conor seemed to suffer a tough state in his life...in which some specific pills were...

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this is one of my favorite bright eyes songs. the last verse is especially meaningful to me. it reminds me of my nephew and the fact that he is being brought into a really messed up world. i really want to show him that it's not all garbage and that it can be beautiful.

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