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We Have No Secrets Lyrics

We have no secrets
We tell each other everything
About the lovers in the past
And why they didn't last
We share a cast of characters from A to Z
We know each others fantasies
And though we know each other better when we explore
Sometimes I wish
Often I wish
That I never knew some of those secrets of yours

The water was cold
The beach was empty but for one
Now you were lying in the sun
Wanting and needing no-one
Then some child came, you never asked for her to come
She drank a pint of your Rum
And later when you told me
You aid she was a bore
Sometimes I wish
Often I wish
That I never knew some of those secrets of yours

In the name of honesty, in the name of what is fair
You always answer my questions
But they don't always answer my prayers
And though I know you say that it's me that you adore
Sometimes I wish
Often I wish
That I never, never, never knew
Some of those secrets of yours
Some of those secrets of yours
Some of those secrets of yours
We have no secrets
Telling each other most everything now
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Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

LOVE this song because off it's catchy beat,The jumpy piano playing off of the acoustic guitar. The writing is sharp to (although that's expected with Carly Simon) Off course the song is about a person in a relationship waiting to know more about their partner but at the same time afraid of the truth.

My Opinion
Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

i cant believe no one has commented this yet! x

Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

The meaning seems straightforward - the pros and cons of honesty in a relationship. I too love the arrangement and music along with Carly's great delivery.

Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

I love how gentle and honest it is. Such a underrated song.

Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

The singer's partner/lover confesses that he has sex with someone else on the beach is idiotic.

Cover art for We Have No Secrets lyrics by Carly Simon

I would just like to emphasize this is my interpretation. Whenever I watch John Oliver or Trevor Noah and they say something funny about American life or Americans in general, I laugh along with the audience. Recently a friend and I was scammed out of our life savings when my friend tried to use his cash app debit card.The debit card kept getting declined even though he had money in the account. So I looked for an 800 number for Cash App where he could call and report the problem. The caller, who sounded like he was from India, said he'd be glad to help him. He gave him instructions on what he needed to do. During the instructions it was found that he could only get the money by transferring it in to someone else account. "You can use my cash app account," I said to my friend. I'll give it to you out of my account." To make a long story short, the guy on the phone first took 2240.00 from my friends account, then took 900.00 from my own account. We lost everything. It was a scam 800 number for Cash App. Cash App has no 800 number where you can talk to a live person. We didn't know that at the time. We were both pissed of course.

Well later on I told a friend about what happened. "It sounded like a guy from India," I said. I told him how later my friend had told the guy on the phone how lowdown he was to do something like that. the friend on the phone could hardly stop laughing. I had to laugh too because we really shouldn't have been such fools. When I got off of the phone with my friend, I laughed again, yet suddenly this song by Carly Simon came to my mind. I thought about how us Americans laugh so hard at people from other countries who make fun of us, and even swindle us out of money sometimes. It's great we have such a great sense of humor and know how to laugh at each other, isn't it? As I thought about this, the words to Carly Simon's song No Secrets came to me:

And though I know you say that it's me that you adore, Sometimes I wish, Oft times I wish that I never knew some of those secrets of yours."

I know we were fools to let someone scam us that way And I know we Americans have a great sense of humor, yet sometime I wish, Oft times I wish that our sense of humor would stop being so great would stop being so great would stop being so great

My Interpretation