12 Meanings
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Superhero Lyrics

Sleepwalking through the all-night drug store
Baptized in fluorescent light
I found religion in the greeting card aisle
Now I know Hallmark was right

And every pop song on the radio
Is suddenly speaking to me
Yeah, art may imitate life
But life imitates T.V.

'Cause you've been gone exactly two weeks
Two weeks and three days
And let's just say that things look different now
Different in so many ways

'Cause I used to be a superhero
No one could touch me
Yeah, not even myself
You are like a phone booth
That I somehow stumbled into
And now look at me:
I am just like everybody else
I am just like everybody else

If I was dressed in my best defenses
Would you agree to meet me for coffee?
If I did my tricks with smoke and mirrors
Would you still know which one was me?
If I was naked and screaming on your front lawn
Would you turn on the light and come down?
Screaming: "There's the asshole who did this to me!
Stripped me of my power!
Stripped me down!"

'Cause I used to be a superhero
No one could hurt me
Yeah, not even myself
You are like a phone booth
That I somehow stumbled into
Now look at me:
I am just like everybody else
I am just like everybody else

Yeah, you've been gone exactly two weeks
Two weeks and three days
And now I'm a different person
Different in so many ways

And tell me, what did you like about me?
And don't say my strength and daring
'Cause now I think I'm at your mercy
And it's my first time for this kind of thing

'Cause I used to be a superhero
I would swoop down
And save me from myself
And you are like a phone booth
That I somehow stumbled into
And now look at me:
I am just like everybody else

I am just like everybody else...
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
12 Meanings
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Again - live through it, and suddenly it makes sense in a whole new way.

To me, this is about the fact that by locking away your ability to be emotionally attatched to somebody - ANYBODY - or more you care, but in a detatched, they-can't-hurt-me kind of way... you're untouchable, nobody can hurt you - how can they, when there's not enough grip for them to do anything to you... it's a sort of addictive sense of invincibility... And then, out of the blue, someone comes along and somehow gets through all your walls and your defences, and you're stripped down, defenceless, and no matter how much you love this person, no matter how much you care, you can't help but rail against it and almost hate them for doing this to you and leaving you so vulnerable - "Tell me what did you like about me? And don't say my strength and daring..."

This song completely blew me away when I first heard it, it was the first DiFranco song I'd ever heard.... it's just 4 minutes of raw, untempered emotion... WOW!!

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this song is about losing control. it is about once being numb to everything, holding in your emotions, feelings, not only telling, but believing yourself that they don't exist that you don't care. now you are vulernable to the hurt and the pain, but mayb this means you'll let youself get close to someone...you now want what you had so instinctly been blocking out and pushing away

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this song is about losing control. it is about once being numb to everything, holding in your emotions, feelings, not only telling, but believing yourself that they don't exist that you don't care. now you are vulernable to the hurt and the pain, but mayb this means you'll let youself get close to someone...you now want what you had so instinctly been blocking out and pushing away

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This song is just so true.

I feel on top of the world when I am feeling love, whether it be with a person or an activity, but especially when with another person. And when that love-feeling goes away, for whatever reason, I feel crushed. All of the sudden who I am and what I am feeling rests on that other person - I have no more control over my emotions, and that is so frickin' scary. I hate it. And I want to confront everyone who knows this person, and tell them how horrible they are making me feel, because somehow I think that is the only way to gain my power back.

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Before I broke up with my ex, i never cried. Now, a year later, I cry when I laugh, I tear up when I'm happy and I cry when no one's watching. At this point, it doesn't even have anything to do with her, but now, I'm just weak.

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I see this as being a sorta Taming of the Shrew kind of deal where you have this strong woman that nothing can touch and no one can affect and then you have someone come into her life and pretty much mess everything up and make her subservant and no longer the person she use to be.

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Wow! Surprised to read everyone's thoughts on this song. I have a completely different take on it.

This has always been one of my all-time favourite songs and I've always viewed it in a positive light.

I see it kind of like this tough, invincible woman who doesn't let her guard down suddenly falling in love and being open and vulnerable. I love those lyrics, "I found religion in the greeting card aisle/ Now I know hallmark was right And every pop song on the radio/ Is suddenly speaking to me" As though before she could care less about stupid shit like that but now that she's fallen in love she's "just like everybody else" and is getting all sentimental about pop songs and greeting cards. And "you've been gone exactly two weeks, two weeks and three days" when we're in love we count the days when we have to be away from the person we love. And "it's my first time for this kind of thing" first time she's really let her guard down and allowed herself to be love struck.

That's my take on it, anyway. I've never though this was a song about being betrayed or hurt. I always thought that this was a song about a very powerful woman unexpectedly being open to the vulnerability and raw emotion of love. It's one of my favourite "love songs" :D

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this song is so great.... when youre with someone for a long time and suddenly they arent there you feel like youre less than you were before... at least i think thats what she is saying...

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she used to being so tough-not wearing her heart on her sleeve and this guy (i assume this is her guy phase) hurt her and she's pissed about it (tell me what did you like about me and don't say my strength and daring 'cause now i think i'm at your mercy and it's my first time for this kind of thing)

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Listening to this song right now. very wicked

Like others, I think this song is about how a woman use dto be so much stronger than everyone else, and now is an emotional wreck after being hurt by an ex. bf

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