6 Meanings
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Outta Me, Onto You Lyrics

no no no no no no no no no no no no
no more
it's gonna be sudden
it's gonna be strange
i'm gonna turn on a dime
give you 5 cents change
it's gonna be long
it's all gonna come out
out of me, on to you
out of me
on to you
one of these days you're gonna push too hard
we'll go on like we've always done
till you go too far
one of these days it's gonna reach the top then it's gonna start to spill
and it's not gonna stop
out of me
on to you

no more
some people wear their smile like a disguise
those people who smile a lot watch the eyes
i know cause i'm like that a lot
you think everything's okay
it is till it's not
out of me
on to you
no more

some people wear their heart up on their sleeve
i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot
don't think cause i'm easy i'm naive
don't think i won't pull it out
don't think i won't shoot
out of me
on to you
no more
most people like to talk a lot
including you
you know there isn't much i have to say
that i wouldn't rather just shut up and do
i'm gonna miss you when you're gone
i'm gonna be torn
just remember that i love you
just remember you were warned
out of me
on to you
no more
no more
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
6 Meanings
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no anger, and i love the song. :)

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I understand this song way too well lol! It's about locking away your emotions - being "easy" is just that, an EASY way... the other person is never anything more than a physical accommodation, and you can be physically close while protecting yourself emotionally.... and then SOMEBODY comes along and starts - completely by accident - pushing all those emotional buttons you thought you'd hidden away, and before you know it, you've fallen for them at the same time as reaching breaking point because they make you feel so vulnerable...

"i'm gonna miss you when you're gone i'm gonna be torn just remember that i love you just remember you were warned"

Story of my life sigh

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Could it be about being in a relationship where she is treated undeserved rude, probalby in mental way? And she is telling about her anger building up, and that one of these days it will become too much and the anger will all come out, and she won't be able to hold it in anymore.

"some people wear their smile like a disguise those people who smile a lot watch the eyes i know cause i'm like that a lot you think everything's okay it is till it's not"

"some people wear their heart up on their sleave i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot don't think cause i'm easy i'm naive don't think i won't pull it out don't think i won't shoot"

She hides her feelings, pretend to be okey, nothing's wrong, and she can keep that facade, until it gets too much and she can't stand the humiliations anymore ("you think everytings okey, till it's nog")

In the first and the last verse she is warning him that he's pulling it too far and she will speak back one of these days, and because of that she will push him away, she already knows that she'll miss him, because she does love him. But eventhough she can't stay with him because their relation is too much out of balance, that on the moment that "it's all gonna come out", it will all be too heavy and they won't be able to stay together and pretend it never happened OR find a new balance, where they're more equal...

"I'm gonna be torn" : I suppose that she'll feel guilty about chasing the man that she loves away because of suddenly showing all her anger, but on the other side knowing that she couldn't hold it back.

"i'm gonna turn on a dime give you 5 cents change"

Don't know what this line means, is this a kind of expression or something in english? If I hear this in this song, I guess it's something like, we are gonna be equal, instead of just swallow everything that they say to her (with a smile), she will answer back, so only take the half, equal pay. I don't know how to exactly explain this idea, probably it makes no sense the way I wrote it, but I find it interesting enough to give it a try. So maybe someone else can help me out with this expression?

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Probably one of my all time favorite Ani songs. I think it's about her botteling up her emotions till it's just too much and she explodes, out of herself onto whoever is there :p

That's exactly how I am. I act like it's all okay, until it's not anymore and then I blow. I also take the line ..

some people wear their heart up on their sleave i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot

as she may act unassuming but if you cross her watch out, she's got that weapon (metaphor for possibly attitude or aggressiveness) waiting right under the surface. That's exactly how I am

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Bottling it up and exploding.

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It's a song about wanting to shitcan Andy Stochansky for being a twat.

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