That's Just What You Are Lyrics
No guts to surface
So forever may we wave goodbye
And you're always telling that it's my turn to move
When I wonder
What could make the needle jump the groove
I won't fall for the oldest trick in the book
So don't sit there and think you're off of the hook
By saying there is no use changing
'Cause "that's just what you are"
What's the matter with the truth?
Did I offend your ears
By suggesting that a change might be a thing to try?
It would kill you just to try and be a nicer guy
It's not like you would lose some critical piece
If somehow you moved point A to point B
Maintaining there is no point changing
'Cause "that's just what you are"
That's just what you are
But we'd still run around the very same place
With you running around, put me out of the race
Nobody can take something older then time
And hope you could make it better
That would be a mistake
So take it just so far
'Cause that's just what you are
That's just what you are
That's just what you are
Always ready to defend your fears
What's the matter with the truth
Did I offend your ears?
Even when it is apparent where your actions will take you
And that's just what you are
That's just what you are

Aimee is amazing... she totally captures the whole point of falling into a rut. If you've ever been in a relationship where there's a lack of communication, you definately can relate to the line "I could talk to you till I'm blue in the face but we still would arrive at the very same place"?? Isn't that the truth sometimes... Anyway, I totally identify with this song.

i think that aimee mann is one of those people that she connects with so many people and all of those connections are equally good. You know how there are some artists that just reach a bunch of people but they're songs are just catchy? Well she does the same thing but with the deepness of her lyrics.

It seems to be about someone refusing to work in a relationship and wanting the other person to make all the sacrifices.

yes. definitely a good lyricist.

Women are always marrying men, hoping to change them, to exorcise their faults. But it's not possible. Men won't change for their mate, any more than women will. In the end, Aimee accepts her guy for what he is.

Yes. And she dumps him.

Love this. I like how imperfect but incredibly clean the vocals are and how well the lyrics flow together to really illustrate relationships.

This song is sprinkled with insanely brilliant lines like:
"And you're always telling me that it's my turn to move"
1.) This eludes to playing a game and the negative connotations of playing games in a relationship.
2.) "Move" in the sense of "change" - the subject of the song insists that it is the protagonist that has to make all the changes in their realtionship.