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The Next Big Thing Lyrics

it's me
i'm returning your call
it's monday wednesday friday
between noon and three
he says i
usually just let the phone ring
but i've always got a minute of time
for the next big thing

and i wonder
how can he see where he's going
with those dollar signs in front of his eyes?
i say thank you
for your interest
but my thing is already
just the right size

it's me
yes i'll play for the door
nothing more
on a tuesday
he says baby
what is your name
i forgot
he says baby
tell me again
are you really hot

and i think
he does not hear what i'm saying
he's just looking at my eight by ten
and wondering about
the part that was left out
does she have a body
that will really draw them in?

how much do you want
how much are you willing to do
baby this is no business
for a sweet little girl like you
can you play the game
act it out
frame for frame
do you know your lines
let's hear them one more time

but i'd rather pay my dues
to the six people
sitting at the bar
than to all those men
in their business suits
who say i'll take you away from this
if you'll just
get in the car
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
1 Meaning
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I love this song, its very upbeat, and I think its about how the music business is run by men, and how all they want is the "next big thing", and they're not really out there to look for talent. They're out there to get the person that will make them the most money, and the six people sitting at the bar i think are the people who are her audiences, and she'd rather perform for them and please the small people than the men in their business suits willing/wanting to change her, and make her "glam" or just the next big thing that'll pass like an old trend. This also seems to me, as well as the media-induced world, to be referring to prostitution, possibly?... and how she doesn't like the give it to rich men, but i don't really know? it could have two different meanings.

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