3 Meanings
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Itch Lyrics

i am evening the score
i am cutting the umbilical cord
curled with my teeth against my knees
i am scratching at my consciousness
like a bitch with fleas
i think you'll be greatly pleased
to learn that yours was the hardest
itch to relieve

this is me
without my hair
welcome to my open stare
i got nothing to hide no more
why disguise what isn't there
i am an eyesore
i am a detour
you can find me crying on
the shoulder of the road
and i will tell you
what you want to hear
before you go
and that is that
yours was the hardest itch to relieve
yours was the hardest itch to relieve

i've mapped out my course
looks like it's all uphill
i've got a heavy heart to carry
but a very strong will
it's just hard to travel
in the shadow
of regret
in fact it's so hard
that i haven't actually left yet
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
3 Meanings
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this reminds me of those moments whan you are so determined to reinvent urself but then like........ when you account for everything it gets way too dificult

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I love the way she captures such strong feelings with so few words -- "yours was the hardest itch to relieve" -- the exact way you feel when you're very hurt, like you've got this annoying itch that just won't go away- and the more you scratch it the longer it will stay- meaning the more you think about it and try to analize everything the more hurt you're gonna get-- sometimes you just hafta "cut the umbilical cord "!

the music is amazing too!!

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to me its strictly about how bad someone can f you up until you simply lose it

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