17 Meanings
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Lost Woman Song Lyrics

i opened a bank account
when i was nine years old
i closed it when i was eighteen
i gave them every penny that i'd saved
and they gave my blood
and my urine
a number
now i'm sitting in this waiting room
playing with the toys
and i am here to exercise
my freedom of choice
i passed their handheld signs
went through their picket lines
they gathered when they saw me coming
they shouted when they saw me cross
i said why don't you go home
just leave me alone
i'm just another woman lost
you are like fish in the water
who don't know that they are wet
as far as i can tell
the world isn't perfect yet
his bored eyes were obscene
on his denim thighs a magazine
i wish he'd never come here with me
in fact i wish he'd never come near me
i wish his shoulder
wasn't touching mine
i am growing older
waiting in this line
some of life's best lessons
are learned at the worst times
under the fierce fluorescent
she offered her hand for me to hold
she offered stability and calm
and i was crushing her palm
through the pinch pull wincing
my smile unconvincing
on that sterile battlefield that sees
only casualties
never heroes
my heart hit absolute zero
lucille, your voice still sounds in me
mine was a relatively easy tragedy
now the profile of our country
looks a little less hard nosed
but that picket line persisted
and that clinic's since been closed
they keep pounding their fists on reality
hoping it will break
but i don't think there's a one of us
leads a life free of mistakes
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
17 Meanings
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rendered speechless

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I'm not sure what your views have to do with the song. I understand you feel that abortion is wrong and I'm not attacking that opinion. I just don't understand how that adds to what the song means. And as a sidenote, yes, people should step up and take responsibility. But sometimes it's not possible. Sometimes it's safer and more responsible not to bring a child into the world and sometimes people make mistakes. It's not something that should be taken lightly by either camp.

As to what the song actually means, it's about a woman who got an abortion when she was young and is now remembering the experience. She became pregnant and regretted it. Other than the general "I just wasn't ready for a child" she may not have been financially able to care for a child. ("I gave them every penny that I'd saved") She also regretted her relationship with the father. ("I wish he'd never come here with me // In fact, I wish he'd never come near me") She goes into the clinic and is verbally assaulted by people protesting. ("They gathered when they saw me coming // They shouted when they saw me cross") A nurse comforts her through the procedure. ("Under the fierce fluorescent // she offered her hand for me to hold") She also notes that those who protest against abortions don't always offer better choices that are also realistic. ("They keep pounding their fists on reality // hoping it will break")

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There are definitely people on this site who go around looking for pro-gay, pro-choice songs just to pick on the viewpoints within. Pretty ludicrous and a total waste of time. They want to make sure that everyone knows that the best way to pay for a mistake, is to be forced into bearing an unwanted child.

Abortion IS a form of taking responsibility. Responsibility is hard, no matter which sort of decisions you make out of responsibility. That's what this song is about -- the fact that there is nothing black and white about this decision, and that trying to force the issue into either/or terms is cruel and unnecessary.

i agree. and isnt it enough that ani is going to have to carry the weight of that decision for the rest of her life?

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"Abortion IS a form of taking responsibility. Responsibility is hard, no matter which sort of decisions you make out of responsibility. That's what this song is about -- the fact that there is nothing black and white about this decision, and that trying to force the issue into either/or terms is cruel and unnecessary. "

EXACTLY what the song is saying, androgybunny. And she is also saying that people who just automatically condemn abortion and want to outlaw it have no grasp on reality.

And I think the "he" in the song is obviously the man who impregnated her. She is, as imdizzyagain said, upset by the fact that he does not care, as evidenced in "his bored eyes were obscene.... i wish his shoulder wasn't touching mine."

In semi-related news: Apparantly, Ani is now pregnant and going to have a child.

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I don't understand this song

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What's not to get? It's clearly about abortion. I love this song, I think it's great. It's def. shows Ani's true feelings about being prochoice and what not.

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This song makes me teary, it's amazing.

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wow...you can just tell in this song how much emotional turmoil ani went through during this procedure..shes obviously full of remorse, and if this did take place when she was younger, than confusion as well. i am pro-choice too, because i believe before youve reached the 3 month time period, it is just a fetus...& that women should have the choice of whether or not they want to fill in the traditional role of being a mother or not..soo..go ani!! (by the way, people anti choice, i have no problem with that either so..dont start the cat fights)

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Note: This really did happen to Ani and she did feel incredible sadness and remorse but continues to speak up about the importance of choice.

What's not included in these lyrics are the end:

"I'm not going to sacrifice My freedom of choice No, you can't make me sacrifice My freedom of choice No, you can't make us sacrifice Our freedom of choice."

Anyway, it's a jaw-dropping, incredible song. She really bares her soul in this.

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I love this song. I think it's so powerful. I got chills the first time I heard it. Just one question though: catnamedzane said that the "he" in the song is her father. How do you figure that? It sounds to me like it's whatever guy got her pregnant. Of course that could be her father, but the way she said it, I was under the impression that it was a boyfriend.

They said THE father, meaning the father of the fetus.

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