11 Meanings
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Slide Lyrics

She was hungry
So hungry
She was trying to think clear
She kept opening the fridge door
Looking at the mustard and the beer
Then finally she went out into the rain
Carrying her bicycle chain
And her feet worked the pedals
While her appetite steered

After that she just followed her nose
And fate is not just whose cooking smells good
But which way the wind blows

She laid down in her party dress
And never got up
Needless to say, she missed the party
She just got sad
Then she got stuck
She was wincing like something brittle
Trying hard to bend
She was numb with the terror
Of losing her best friend
But we never see things changing
We only see them ending

And some vicious whispering voice
Keeps saying you have no choice
You have no choice

'Cause when I look at you I squint
You are that beautiful
And my pussy is a tractor
And this is a tractor pull
I'm haunted by my illicit, explicit dreams
And I can't really wake up
So I just drift in-between
Thinking the glass is half empty
And thinking it's not quite full

The pouring rain is no place for a bicycle ride
Try to hit the brakes
And you slide
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
11 Meanings
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Okay, this has been driving me crazy for a while now.

What does she mean by "and my pussy is a tractor and this is a tractor pull"?

It's shocking, but what does it MEAN?!

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I think that line refers to being a slave to her sexuality, being unable to resist the "tractor pull". Much like in the song "Out of Habit" where she says that her cunt is like a wound that wont heal.

It's not there for shock value- she's trying to explain how she feels compelled to have sex. This could either refer to doing sex work, or just having sex in general. I think the talk about the bicycle ride in the rain (if you try to stop you slide) is about how difficult it is for her to stop (to put the breaks on, cause she'll slide).

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I think that line refers to being a slave to her sexuality, being unable to resist the "tractor pull". Much like in the song "Out of Habit" where she says that her cunt is like a wound that wont heal.

It's not there for shock value- she's trying to explain how she feels compelled to have sex. This could either refer to doing sex work, or just having sex in general. I think the talk about the bicycle ride in the rain (if you try to stop you slide) is about how difficult it is for her to stop (to put the breaks on, cause she'll slide).

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I also think the reference to hunger and following her nose, (like the tractor pull of her pussy), is about her need/craving to have sex.

I'm not sure whether its a financial need (Sex work), or an addictive need for sex (this would explain the lline about losing her best friend- perhaps thats what putting the brakes on and sliding, would mean to her).

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I think that line refers to being a slave to her sexuality, being unable to resist the "tractor pull". Much like in the song "Out of Habit" where she says that her cunt is like a wound that wont heal.

It's not there for shock value- she's trying to explain how she feels compelled to have sex. This could either refer to doing sex work, or just having sex in general. I think the talk about the bicycle ride in the rain (if you try to stop you slide) is about how difficult it is for her to stop (to put the breaks on, cause she'll slide).

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"cuz when i look at you i squint you are that beautiful" I love that line.

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I've been wondering about the girl in the party dress. I'm guessing she is talking about suicide, but how is it germane to the rest of the song.

I think the song is about a mistake she made. I think the mistake has something to do with love, which is why you don't take a bike ride in the rain... you slide and can get hurt. Also, the party dress line.... is about exactly what she says... it's symbolism for the ending of something, and losing her best friend in the process.

As far as the tractor/pussy line... i'm not really sure but i think it's her trying to say that because of her gender (pussy) she pulls a lot of weight away. That being a female comes...

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The song is about a woman who is sleeping with her best friend's husband or boyfriend. hence numb with the terror of losing her best friends. she is going to tell her friend what's been going on because she is haunted by her conscience which tells her she has no choice. does she instead keep having sex with this man, hence sliding back into a bad habit (metaphor) or does she die literally in the song on her way there via bicycle (literally)------ that is for listenerto decide for themselves. yes to out of habit comparison and yes to those who said pussy and tractor pull means she cant control her desire to have sex.... my pussy is a tractor... just as a tractor mows down living things grass...her pussy mows down friendship her friends trust...----

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I just appreciate the "best friend" line, I feel like I keep losing my best friends, one by one...

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