Close to the Flame Lyrics
And touch so warm
The smile kindest
In this world so cold and strong
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely
And words all good
The faith deepest
In this world so cold and cruel
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely
I personally think it means that a Man and a Woman are so deep in love they overcome all of the bad things in life together!
This song is just too pwetty sobsob
Yeah, him has a very nice voice. I dont get why so little people write in here.
ville once said this is a sequel to gone with the sin. i can see what he means they do sound rather simalar! =)
I love this song.
Damn that Ville Valo, damn him for being such a damn good song writer.
Love this song. The chorus is so beautiful. The whole song is.
AMAZING!!! VILLE VALO is an amazing writer with a gr8 it!
Brilliant lyrics awsome beat amazing vocals this song is so damn great....Actually every song is
well the song is about to people that are so deeply in love but no one understands and wont just let them be