32 Meanings
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For You Lyrics

In the grace of your love I writhe, writhe in pain
In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same

I'm for you
I'm for you

I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost
In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us apart

I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are
I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever you are

I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you

By Fistan Majere
32 Meanings
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I guess it means that Valo would die for someone because he loves them so much. I don't really know though. I didn't write the song so I couldn't really tell you what it means. My favorite HIM song though.

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HIM never really stood for anything its just a word thats spelt the same in a bunch of languages i think.. Ville hates the name anyways, he thinkis its dumb.. but it DOESNT stand for His Infernal Majesty.. I was kinda bummed when i found that out.

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Brilliant song, although the version on Uneasy Listening Vol.1 is slightly better in my opinion. HIM is the best!

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For crying out loud HIM does NOT stand for His Infernal Majesty. Valo himself said it doesn't stand for anything!

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Valo is trying to say, i think, that he would do anything for tehre love even die for them. Thats as much as i would think. ][ = ][ ][ ][ \// ][ are the best

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it's bound to be called "his infernal majesty" because they mention things relating to the "devil" all the time. you can't deny a link, because it's there. still an amazing song though.

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I really love how the tone of the song changes. In the beginng hes definately in love, but by the end of the song he sings like WOULD die for their love.

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It stood for his infernal majesty but now they prefer to be called HIM ... Unbelievable song

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He says that it did stand for His Infernal Majesty in the new dvd, but now it is just HIM pretty much. Oh, and kick-ass song!

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What dvd where, i must have it where are you from?! i think HIM did stand for His infernal majesty & now it is just HIM & people say what music do you like & i say HIM &they're like who's he & i'm like a band & they're like how can he be a band himself &i'm like HIM is the name of the band duh & yeah but i like the name, oh yeah i LOVE this song

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