5 Meanings
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History Lyrics

Gave my love to two thousand yesterdays
Nothing is wrong I am always a little late
Probably will probably won't, get this disease cut out my throat
All of a sudden you come my way, baby believer
I won't be saved by morning after
Struggling my name, slave turned to master
History moans, mouth of our father
History moans, mouth of my father, mouth of my father

Edge of my bed, benzedrine telephone
Struggling to speak, I'm sicker than sickest dog
Falling faster than liar's grin, we need to be saved from the shit we're in
I believe in you I have found, the perfect way to bring me down
I won't be saved, by all your yesterdays
Piss on my grave, piss on the underlay
History moans, mouth of our father
History moans, mouth of my father, mouth of my father
Mouth of my father, mouth of my father, mouth of my father

History moans, history moans, history moans, mouth of my father
Mouth of my father, mouth of my father
5 Meanings
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It's about abortion.

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Dude this song just fuckin rocks. It used to be the one i skipped on razorblade but know i love it. Is it really about abortion? The message i always thought of was that he wanted to get out be on his own, and just live his own life, ignoring history. I dont know why i think that?...it just rocks

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truely one of, if not the, best songs on razorblade suitcase. I'm only hesitant because Cold Contagious was on the same album...

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its more about an unwanted pregnancy than abortion..

explaining how she has sex and doesnt even think anything of the concequences.. and she's late on her period but thinks everything will be ok.

'All of a sudden you come my way'

and she wont get rid of it with the morning after pill

it goes on from there with morning sickness and how she was a daughter being told what to do but now she's going to be a mother with control- 'slave turned to master'

its one of my favs

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about unwanted pregnancy:

"Gave my love to two thousand yesterdays" he got all caught up in the love thing and it felt like he's loved this girl for 'two thousand yestersdays'

"Nothing is wrong, I am always a little late" missed period. sign of pregnancy. trying to avoid the truth by telling heerself shes always a little late.

"Probably will probably won't, get this disease cut out my throat" the nervousness sets in, thinking, it probaly will just pass over, then what if it doesn't.. just make it go away..

"All of a sudden you come my way, baby believer" she turns out pregnant, and shes a 'baby believer' or a non-abortion believer.

"I won't be saved by morning after Struggling my name, slave turned to master" he wont be saved by the morning after pill, he's going to be a father..was a 'slave' as a kid, but now that he's going to have a kid hes 'master'

"History moans, mouth of our father" the same thing happened to his father, and his father preached and preached to be smart and not let this happen to him. but it did.. HISTORY repeats itself.. he keeps remembering the his fatheers words: "mouth of my father"

"Edge of my bed, benzedrine telephone Struggling to speak, I'm sicker than sickest dog Falling faster than liar's grin, we need to be saved from the shit we're in I believe in you I have found, the perfect way to bring me down"

he's really nervouse.. benzedrine is a name brand anti-depressant/a.d.d. med.. helps him stay calm. he wants out any way possible. he doesn't want this.


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