17 Meanings
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Breathing By Wires Lyrics

addicted to razors.
lashes to saviors.
glued to the monitor.
trained behavior.
reduced to a number.
mechanic enslavement.
a virtual prison.
selected detainment.
a gradual nightmare.
suicidal impulse.
a cycle of habit.
undeniable loss.
breathing by wire.
a network of heroes.
processing data as ones and zeros.
Carry me through the wires.
Bury me in the screen.
Shift me into this fixation.
Cling to the machine.

This is now your world, and you barely made it.
Did you think that it would cradle you until you were asleep forever?
Did you?

Carry me through the wires.
Bury me in the screen.
Shift me into this fixation.
Cling to the machine.

This is now your world, and you barely made it.
Did you think that it would cradle you until you were asleep forever?
Did you?
17 Meanings
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these lyrics are pure songwriting genius.

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to me this seems an addiction to computers which these days is a very realistic addiction, i think i have a slight case

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This song kicks @$$!!! I love the lyrics! The song is sooo great and origanal! I think i also have a slight case of computer addiction

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Its gotta be more than just "addiction to computers." There's a Man v. MAchine aspect to this song. Basically a commentary on society's reliance on machines. Everything is less personal than it once was.

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this song is just amazing. it just seems like that thing that happens when you get so comfortable on the computer that you aren't comfortable with any other form of communication, and you try and talk to someone and you can't and it just breaks you because it's so hard to fix that problem.

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this song is freakin awsome! i was just introduced to this band i love them! !!!!!!! this song is just so good it pumps me up! great analogy for man vs. machine!

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i also might add that for some strange reason this song reminds me of that movie the matrix

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this song is beautiful.

it would sound corny to come out and say computers and such, but they made it so amazing sounding. it really makes you think. but you easily know what they're talking about.

they're saying something like, you can't always depend on this machine...you have to be in reality or you're not going to know what's going on if you are constantly burried in the screen.

but these lines here..."Carry me through the wires Bury me in the screen Shift me into this fixation Cling to the machine"...sound to me like he's referring to an online realtionship between two people. they are being carried through the wires, they are only paying attention to their screens, they are fixated on eachother, and just concentrating on what eachother is saying.

i hope that made sense.

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'addicted to razors' ....addicted to pain. self-infliction. 'suicidal impulse' fits there too. if you look at it a certain way, it seems like he could be talking about living in a coma. dependant on a machine for your life....a life that barely is a life. cradling them while they sleep forever. for some reason it always felt like it was speaking about someone in a coma rather than someone addicted to a virtual realm of computers...but maybe its a little bit of both. being 'glued to the monitor' IS a coma. or sometimes i see it as someone glued to someone else's monitor....like a life monitor. and maybe im a lunatic.

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this song is just incredible.

i think this song is just about dependency in general. depending on something else to make you comfortable. it may be a razor, or sucidal impulses to make you feel better...or it may be technology or some type of computer addiction to amuse you and make you feel better. it's just dependencies. "did you think it would cradle you until you fell asleep. did you?" - that sounds like it is saying that you may think that whatever you have a dependency on will make the pain or reality go away, but it doesn't.

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