20 Meanings
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A Red So Deep Lyrics

The furnace burns, the baby turns
She cries when she's hungry
The morning paper will knock the door
To interrupt their slumbers

Are you satisfied tonight, oh, trader's wife?
Does he neglect you?
Crawling bar stools and touching the girls
As you wash their smell from his clothes

They shoot the horses when they're too old to race
And so, my dear, is there room in bed for me?
The setting sun has etched lines upon this face
Shades of red of a furious defeat

Are you satisfied tonight, oh, trader's wife?
As he thinks to you:
"I don't know you anymore
And I can't breathe in this apartment"

Sleep, my Sweetie, let the days expire
They've outnumbered you
Hold me sweetly, like the days we bled with love
A red so deep we sunk
We sunk
20 Meanings
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ahh..i love this song, especially the "are you satisfied tonight..." part..great beat to the song too

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and tim kasher does it again.

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Don't you just love the outro?

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Hold me sweetly, like the days we bled with love A red so deep we sunk We sunk...

...wow... i've never seen this scenario tackled in a song, but it's done incredibly. a cheating husband, what a dick..

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this is the best cursive song. kthx.

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You know behind the part where he's singing "they shoot the horses..."and someone's singing something behind him? what are they saying?

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they are saying "the bull the bear the bull"

this song has made me dance too many times to remember. Deffinately the best song on Domestica.

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Woodwell, all of the domestica CD makes me dance

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is it wrong to want to sing along to tim's songs about his terrible marriage and subsequent divorce? because if it is i don't want to be right....."I've decided tonight, i'm staying alive, just kicking and screaming"

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woah. i get all shaky just reading the lyrics

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