The Rhyme Scheme Lyrics
Words take too long to come across
Meanings are meant for defining defintions
We load them for effect, it's cheap but it's working
I could never get your attention
I could never please you
The verses are wasted on words you won't relate to
On words you'll never hear
I don't feel so well
The verbal breakdown has failed
So I'm whispering secrets
Hush, hush, on the loudspeaker
Words sculpted on verse become absurd
I could never get your attention
I could never please you
Words so sympathetic
Symphonic, yet pathetic
Are tossed on to the song
The meaning is lost
Words are slowly demeaning their meanings
Words make things worse
Words are always repeating
Losing their meaning
These words failed
Words fail

the song explains the meaning of a word- he overly defined it in any way you could say it- he says he makes bullshit music to some girl that pays him no atention- he mingles to her while other guys pull the ho- he says his meaning is lost- it sounds as if he lost his sense of self- or everything he lives for- you cannot live for others- he is pathetically misrable and at the verge of suicide- he says words fail- but truly- he fails...

words failed, it's like...all the words that he wrote to the girl failed so "words failed"

this song says so much about words in you can never find just the right word to say how you feel. xox

It could be about a girl, but it could also be a comment on society. Such as, everyone is so full fo shit that he feels no one will ever understand the truth, words lose their meaning and people just bob their heads and listen to the happy little sound of it all. And because everyone else is fake, people may think he is just as full of excretement as a christmas turkey.

this song is about the song.


once again, writing songs about writing songs. a little song and dance is about his music, too. it's always girls, sex, and music, and hurt but all four terms are really interchangeable.

I think this song is about how sometimes even when you get through to someone with your words, the meaning ends up being lost. And just when you think you have someones attention, the verbal connection is lost. I think it could also mean that alot of what people have to say is never even say, or it is misunderstood.

yeah its defenetly about him writing lyrics. the line "its not working - i dont feel anybetter" is saying that writing the deep lyrics dont help him

This song is the fucking shit.