6 Meanings
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The Dirt of the Vineyard Lyrics

Less talk, more dancing
If we could push off the sick conversation one more night
I surely would
My shoes have gathered the dust of the vineyard
Have I soiled your gown?
There's soil on your gown, like sangria
Cleanses the heart
Our clogged hearts are choking on the grime
As the big band waltzes on
Your stranded eyes whisper

"The dirt is out
I can smell her on your velvet hands
The dirt is out
Are we stuck in the motions again?"

Oh, but was it sweet
In the vineyard
Sangria, won't you bless
The starving lips
Such virgin lips
Would choke on all this grime
I've found some dirt under my nails
I'll scratch and bite until

The dirt is out
But sangria burns under my skin
The dirt is out
I thought I'd never wash these hands again

Under my skin
6 Meanings
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AH THIS IS MY LIFE....i don't know if they meant it to be, but "if we could push off this sick conversation for one more night, i surely would" that is me....how i hate to trust and be trusted and don't like to talk to morons...yes...stupidly stated and beautifully true. And the majority of this song I translate into having severe trust issues and not wanting people to know anything, keeping your 'dirt' to yourself and what not....(this is just my own mindless interpretation of a song i relate to) but that is how i feel "the dirt is out I thought I'd never wash these hands again" MY LIFE.... And the "are we stuck in these motions again?" that is how i describe being depressed...i hate saying that i feel depressed i think it sounds like you are trying to get attention and are really selfish..i say that i am stuck, feeling floaty...not myself and stuck going through the empty motions of every day life.

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I agree with your interpretation. I never really thought about the meaning to much, I was to stuck on when tim kasher says "The starving lips Such virgin lips Would choke on all this grime I've found some dirt under my nails I'll scratch and bite until..." His voice is so amazing, gives me chills. But anyway back to the maning. I think that lying has something to do with it. Even if it doesn't its awesome that you can relate so well to this song.

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My interpretation of this song is very different. It seems to me that there was some cheating done in the realationship and they are avoiding the topic even though the truth has been exposed. When he says "If we could push off the sick conversation one more night I surely would My shoes have gathered the dust of the vineyard HavE I soiled your gown?" I think that he just doesn't want to talk about it, but it obvious to both people in the realationship what has happened. When he asks about "soiling your gown", I think that he is wondering if what he did is effecting his partner in a negitive way. Also, when he says: "The dirt is out but sangria burns under my skin" I think that the "dirt" (aka the Truth) was out, but it still hurts.
Maybe Sangria stands the girl that he cheated with....

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i think it is more relationship problems in general...getting sick of discussing things over and over...wanting to get past it....hoping its the last time

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Sangria is an alcoholic drink. When he says that the Sangria is burning under his skin, he probably means that he is drunk. This, apparently, is something they all like to do a lot.

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I think a lot of what is already been said is about right. The song is about relationship issues as are most of Cursive's songs but, there's something about this one that makes is special… perhaps it’s because Tim sounds truly drunk and hurt while he’s singing his soul out.

Anyways, I see a couple dancing together, not saying anything to each other because too many thoughts are filling their heads. Each side knows they are guilty of deceiving the other and they also know that the other knows this. He clearly has alcohol abuse issues and she has a hard time committing to just one man. They had both been good for awhile but now both have gotten off the wagon. The funny thing is, it sounds as if the reason they started in on their bad habits is due to their lover. The stress of the relationship caused him to drink (“Oh, Sangria, won’t you bless these starving lips”) and her to cheat or get her dress dirty (“Have I soiled your gown? There’s soil on your gown.”) It’s a classic case of people who are so in love in the beginning, have every intention of helping their lover but, are so fucked up themselves that the end up only driving themselves/each other down. And the grime, the dirt, the soil - the problems they thought would just go away with the presence of this other person are staring right at them with drunk starry eyes as the band just keeps playing.

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