Coney Island Lyrics
Everything was closed at Coney Island
I could not help from smiling.
I can hear the Atlantic echo back
Roller coaster screams from summers past.
And everything was closed at Coney island
I could not help from smiling.
Brooklyn will fill the beach eventually
And everyone will go except me.

this song i think has little to do with coney island.
this song is about being stuck in a place you loved but nobody else is there with you. The thought of the place makes you "smile" but "everything is closed". You remain in the past in an enjoyable point of your life but everybody else has moved on and you will never leave.
@lovemakelust I created an account just to agree with you. This is exactly how I take this song. It's not the only way to take this song, but this is how I feel about it.
@lovemakelust I created an account just to agree with you. This is exactly how I take this song. It's not the only way to take this song, but this is how I feel about it.

i think its a song against modernization..he can still enjoy the atlantic and the breeze without all the lights and attractions of the modern world...he doesnt need them to be happy

um...these lyrics are incomplete. nonetheless, my favorite death cab song. very peaceful. lyrics are pretty straightforward and paint a great mental picture.
this song sounds like a dream to me.
this song sounds like a dream to me.

i agree with the above, this song makes me want to go back to brooklyn..

This song is so amazing and I just discovered this band. What other cd do recomend by Death Cab For Cutie?

this song is pretty cool. its great how the song is written about something original like coney island. which was an amusement park island that got shut down cause it was too dangerous i think. just in case you didnt know.

true to all of the above^ this song is so soothing and ironic...he's singing about broken down rides and how perfect it all is what you make it i suppose.

when ben gibbard sings the line, "everything was closed on coney island,..." i can picture him smiling. because he and i both know this is a damn good song.

ahh, i love this song and so does everyone who isnt insane!

well, coney island isn't exactly shut down... it might be run down and maybe two rides have been closed for many years because of hazards, but you can still go to coney island as you wish. great song none the less. makes me very homesick. great job in capturing the serene, tranquil atmosphere of the beach. to me it's a song about home.