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A Movie Script Ending Lyrics

Whenever I come back
The air on Railroad is making the same sounds
And the shop fronts on Holly are dirty words
(Asterisks in for the vowels)
We peered through the windows
New bottoms on barstools
But the people remain the same
With prices inflating, inflating
As if saved from the gallows
There's a bellow of buzzers
And the people stop working
And they're all so excited, excited
Passing through unconscious states
When I awoke I was on the highway
Highway, highway, highway
With your hand on my shoulders
A meaningless movement
A movie script ending
And the patrons are leaving, leaving

Passing through unconscious states
When I awoke I was on the highway
Highway, highway, highway
Highway, highway, highway, highway
Now we all know the words were true
In the sappiest songs, yes, yes
I'll put them to bed, but they won't sleep
They're just shuffling the sheets
They toss and turn
(You can't begin to get it back)
Passing through unconscious states
When I awoke I was on
The onset of a later stage
The headlights are beacons on the highway
Highway, highway, highway
Highway, highway, highway, highway
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83 Meanings

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Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

This song is like visiting your old hometown years later, and it's every bit the black-and-white rathole you remembered, everything the same. But somehow you've escaped and as you're on the highway out of town it's like post-oz kansas and color returns to your modern reality.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

I think given the time that this song was written by gibbard I could give a good guess... He said the photo album was their most rushed and time sensitive record and the days of touring and being on the road blurred together. I think this song describes returning to bellingham where life is still at a standstill and hasn't changed other than a few minor details, and to him it seems so picturesque (like a movie script ending) when he returned in the process because his life was in a constant motion. The chorus just describes the blurred memory of the constant touring.

@districtset and Bellingham you meant Bremerton

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

This song's about coming back to an hold hometown - namely, Bellingham, Washington, which is the town where the guys met...the street names are consistant with the ones here....anyway, that's what I think.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

The beginning of this song is definately about Bellingham- Railroad and Holly are real streets in downtown Bellingham. Holly does, in fact have many shops. lovely song.

@kassidyismyname he is from Bremerton omg

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

My favorite song on Photo Album is hard to pin down. It's a toss-up between this one and "We Laugh Indoors".

I can't really tell what this song is about. It talks about sleeping, so it might be a dream. It has a sort of dream-like quality about it: he's talking about going somewhere on a train, then walking down a familiar street where all the store names have dirty names. (It's probably not like that in real life. :-)

And the song jumps around a lot, like dreams do. He's arriving, he's peering in a window, he's holding his girlfriend -- it's all very disjoint.

Anyway, that's my guess.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

This song's about coming back to an hold hometown - namely, Bellingham, Washington, which is the town where the guys met...the street names are consistant with the ones here....anyway, that's what I think.

Correct my friend.

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Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

this is a good driving song. it was my 4:30am song as i was driving home from school. the 14 hours were well described by this.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

sounds like superdeluxe hit the nail on the head. but has anyone seen the video? it seems to be about having to leave someone you love behind or something. i don't know. either way, you should check out the video. don't hit me anyone for mentioning mtv, but go to mtv.com and you can see it.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

the video is rad.

Cover art for A Movie Script Ending lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

The song and video are damn good. I saw them becasue Piebald claimed they were gonna air the video on 120 minutes. This video was the only good one in the 120 mins. I duno know what this song reminds me of, but it makes me think of the girl I love and how I miss her. (probably irrelevant to the songs meaning)