9 Meanings
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I Wish... Lyrics

oh my sweet give me one last chance to show my love for you just one last time to fall asleep in your arms we had come so far together now we don’t even speak to each other my words aren’t strong enough to express my heart so i’m only left with memories in my mind these days seem so long without you now the sun doesn’t shine as bright as it did when we were alone together do you remember the nights we spent together just staring into the starry night the pain hurts me like an open wound please just tell me that you still love me i know i made mistakes and i am truly sorry but i never thought that you’d say good-bye i want to tell you these days seem so long without you now the sun doesn’t shine as bright as it did when we were alone together and i’ll move on my heart’s broken for my first love i know deep inside my heart there are words and those words are yours
9 Meanings
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I wish i could have you back... nods... word. Student Rick is so.. trying to think of the word.. blunt, I guess, with their lyrics... it's honest... good song..

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I love this song, and it's so true ... it explains the hurt that you feel when someone you're in love with breaks up with you and tells you its over and they dont feel the same way anymore ... I love SR's lyrics with a passion ... they are good good music ...

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wow such a wonderful sad song....i love student rick!! just saw them for free at my local cd store and met them! they kickass! they are so wonderful

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wow such a wonderful sad song....i love student rick!! just saw them for free at my local cd store and met them! they kickass! they are so wonderful

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i love the lyrics but i dont really like the guys voice, the melody of the song, or anything else musically. just last night the boy who just left me to go back to his ex-girlfriend came over and we sat in his parked car in the dark because he insisted this was "our song." i began to cry, trying not to let him know i was, but he knew, and we held each other while this song played.

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what the hell is wrong with you...this is a great song and student rick owns

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this song is great, my favorite one on the cd...

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i swear i could i have wrote this song about my ex. guys eff-i suck. -aodx

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this is my favorite song by student rick yet i'm confused as to what it means... please just tell me that you still love me i know i made mistakes and i am truly sorry but i never thought that you’d say good-bye at one point it seems to me like he broke up with her and regrets doing so, then it seems that she broke his heart because she was the one who said goodbye... does anyone else feel the same way? but it doesnt really matter cause i like the song nonetheless.. and they were really good live when i saw them over the summer. :)

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