My Girlfriends Shower Sucks Lyrics
It chills me to the bone
It makes me wish that I was
cleaning myself at home
sometimes I lose hope
The water's hard, so I can
never rinse the soap
The water dribbles down on me
and it's got no pressure
It's like the shower's going pee

this song is about his girlfriend's shower sucks deep, huh?

this song actually is pretty deep. it's using the shower as an analogy for people's moods swings. "the temperature changes" etc. it's about how people just randomly get hotheaded and how it makes him lose hope in people. "it's like the shower's going pee". that's symbolic of how people think they can just piss all over you and expect you to take shit from them. also, if you haven't figured out that i was joking, you need to be executed.

haha, although i knew u were taking the piss there staleph1sh, u make quite a believeable point there, u nearly got me:-P

haha, although i knew u were taking the piss there staleph1sh, u make quite a believeable point there, u nearly got me:-P

haha good to hear

ok what if?! the song is just about his g/f shower?!?!? I know it's crazy, but sometimes, just sometimes...a song really doesn't get any deeper that what it is...

Heh. I agree with emokidriot. Those were the exact complaints I sing in my friends shower. Funny. I'm sure lots of people sing songs about how showers suck.